Cycle News

Cycle News 2019 Issue 38 September 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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P138 50 Years Ago OCTOBER 7, 1969 LOOKING BACK We featured the ISDT from West Germany on the cover 40 years ago with a photo of top American Larry Roeseler chasing a West German rider. Team Italy took the overall win. Team USA finished sixth with riders Roeseler, Dick Burleson, Jack Penton, Kevin Lavoie, Jeff Hill and Ted Leimbach. The U.S. Silver Vase Team—Drew Smith, Jeff Fredette, Mike Rosso and Dave Hulse—also placed sixth… The opening round of the AMA Trans-USA MX Series got underway in Lexington, Ohio. Andre Malherbe took the win. 40 Years Ago OCTOBER 3, 1979 Our picture contest winner, Manuel A. Burton, had his photo plastered on the front page of Cycle News 50 years ago. The shot was taken of Loyal Penn (750) and Andy Skeil (242) at Perris Raceway TT… Mert Lawwill finished sixth at the Oklahoma City Half Mile but that was more than good enough to clinch the flat track national championship. Jim Rice won the race… We covered the Desert Foxes European Scrambles in Rosamond, California, where desert-racing legend J.N. Roberts came home in first place. (Left) Gene Romero (22) leads Dick Mann (2) and Dan Haaby (20) at the Oklahoma City Half Mile 50 years ago. (Below) In its final race, Nicky Hayden rode the Honda RC45, to be replaced by the RC51, to a third-place finish at the Pikes Peak National in 1999.

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