Cycle News

Cycle News 2019 Issue 32 August 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2020 HARLEY-DAVIDSON R I D E R E V I E W P110 but also gives the bike a touch of elec- tric personality. Our press bikes were pre-production units, with one setting for the electronic pulse, but the pro- duction machines will have three pulse options—soft, hard and off. Our test ride through the hills sur- rounding Portland lasted about 60 miles, so we didn't get to experience just how far the LiveWire would go on a full charge. According to Harley, the bike will do 146 miles of city riding, which drops to 95 miles in combined city and highway riding, and finally 70 miles of use at a sustained 70 mph. Given that we were engaged in rather, err, spirited riding, by the time I gave my LiveWire back, there was a registered 33 percent of charge left. I hesitate to provide a range number until I've ridden the LiveWire from full to empty. A point of note is the LiveWire, unlike something like the Energica Ego, will not reduce power as the charge level goes down. The available power at 100 percent is the same as at 19 percent, for example, so the ride experience isn't diluted based on the available charge. Nice one, Harley. To get your charge, you've got two options, the first being the basic Level One, which will take you about 12 hours to go from zero to 100 percent charge. This is what Harley feels most riders will do, as they roll into the garage and plug the LiveWire into the wall overnight, much like a mobile phone. There's no Level Two charging avail- able for the LiveWire, but the engineers have incorporated a Level Three/DC Fast Charge system. This means you can roll up to any DC station across the (From top left) DC fast charging should have you topped from fully empty to 100 percent in an hour. But if it's on a standard house outlet, you'll be waiting a long time. Styling is subjective, but we think H-D's done pretty well with this one. Cruise control is standard, as are the separate left and right indicators. Belt drive is near silent in operation.

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