Cycle News

Cycle News 2019 Issue 25 June 25

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VOLUME 56 ISSUE 25 JUNE 25, 2019 P29 Although losing the battle, Jarvis ultimately won the war, with second place enough to give him the overall Hixpania Hard Enduro win and with it move to the top of the championship standings. Entering the final day of rac- ing having won the previous two days, Gomez was unable to respond to the attack by Jarvis. Admitting to struggling early on, he could only finish fifth for the runner-up result. Putting in a strong ride on Sunday for fourth, Billy Bolt (Husqvarna) ended his weekend fourth overall. Charging his way to third in Sunday's Lost Roads, Lettenbichler completed the over- all top five. "What an event and it's crazy to think I'm leading the WESS now," Jarvis said. "I'm not going to get too excited just yet, though, and my plan is to take each race as it comes. Romaniacs is going to be the game changer. Hopefully, I can at least finish it this year. It was a tough race today; I was still tired from yesterday. It was fast, but there were still some techni- cal bits. I think everyone was really feeling it, and I know I was on the limit today." "I tried to push as hard as I could today, but just ran out of strength in the last half of the raceā€”no power at all," said Gomez. "All I could do was to keep on going, try not to crash and stay on the bike. I am happy with how the race has gone, and I gave it my all. Congratulations to Graham, he did it again." "It feels amazing to take the win in the final race," Roman said on Sunday. "I had such a tough time yesterday on the cross-country, crashing six times and bending my handlebars. Despite that, I still pushed hard and managed to finish fourth. Today, I wasn't think- ing too much about points, I just wanted to take the win. Graham was really strong, and all the others were right up there at the beginning. Halfway through I was thinking it's not possible to keep going for another hour-and-a-half, but I kept going, and we did it." The World Enduro Super Se- ries continues with round five at Red Bull Romaniacs in Romania on July 30-August 3. CN OVERALL 1. Graham Jarvis (Hus) 2. Alfredo Gomez (Hus) 3. Mario Roman (She) 4. Billy Bolt (Hus) 5. Manuel Lettenbichler (KTM) 6. Jonny Walker (KTM) 7. Taddy Blazusiak (KTM) 8. Tarres Pol (Hus) 9. Josep Garcia (KTM) 10. Xavi Leon Sole (Hus) Jarvis just keeps getting better with age.

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