Cycle News

Cycle News 2019 Issue 15 April 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Russell Doubles Up With Camp Coker Bullet GNCC Win K ailub Russell (FMF/KTM) edged out Thad Duvall (Rock- star Energy Husqvarna) to win the Camp Coker Bullet GNCC at Moree's Sportsman's Preserve in Society Hill, South Carolina, April 13-14. This makes the Russell the first XC1 Pro to have multiple wins in the 2019 series. Heading into this weekend's round, Russell, Duvall and Steward Baylor (Tely Energy Racing KTM) each had one win to their credit in what has turned out to be a very competitive series. The Camp Coker Bullet GNCC was a highly competitive race, as well, with Duvall crossing the finish less than a second behind Russell after dog- ging him for most of the final lap. Baylor was also part of the battle, and moved up from sixth to second on lap two before myriad problems kept the South Carolina rider from challenging for the win. Part of the challenge for the competitors was the rain, which started coming down hard about two miles into the opening lap. Most of the XC1 Pro class had to stop for goggles at the end of the lap. "That rain was pretty gnarly IN THE WIND P44 Kailub Russell (1) battles Jordan Ashburn (127) for the holeshot. Russell forged ahead and took the overall win. PHOTOS: KEN HILL

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