Cycle News

Cycle News 2019 Issue 08 February 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CN III VOICES W H A T Y O U A R E S A Y I N G "Unbelievable respect, Mr. Reed." Detroit Supercross Detroit plus good crowd plus good racing equals good for supercross. Thank you, thank you, thank you Eli Tomac! I thought you dug a hole you couldn't get out of in the third and final race but you did it and we loved it! In my opinion, honorable mention goes to 250SX stand- out number-89 Joey Crown of Metamora, Michigan. He went down in qualifying and I saw him shaking his hand but that kid can ride! What a treat to watch! Long live motorcycle racing and see you in Indy! Joseph Wahrer Arai Dear Cycle News, I didn't know Hirotake Arai, but from his ad, I like him. On page 20-22 (issue 7, Febru- ary 19) of a recent issue of Cycle News we see Hirotake in his straw hat, summer whites, with his tie flying over his shoulder, standing on the seat of his bike while riding across a dirt field. A picture certainly can speak a thousand words and this picture shows that this this guy was one of us. Wally Tunison Empire of Dirt: Changing Of The Guard? Steve, you write about belief and will and never really mention what it is. Christ. Cooper Webb literally gives credit to Christ every single podium, just as Ryan Dungey did, and so many others. It's no coincidence so many rides are also believers. Keep up the great work, I truly look forward to Cycle News each Tuesday. Anthony LaGrasta Chad Reed It was January 2001. At a Ger- man supercross I saw the first European appearance of a "new" rider. I texted my friend: "This year I'm sure our (Dutch Team Manager) Jan de Groot has an extremely good new rider in his factory Kawasaki team!" In that same year I saw him clinching his first GP podium and a GP win. Now, the man is still on the podium in 450 supercross, two decades later! Unbelievable respect, Mr. Reed. Arie Crooijmans The Netherlands Archives: The Sunset Pub Gang What a great story, thank you for running it. These old stories have become a hit, some great memo- ries shared. Al Banta Stories like this give heart to club racers everywhere. Bruce Scholten P6 Letters to the editor can be sent to Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Letters should not exceed 150 words and are subject to editing. Anonymous letters won't be considered for publication and each letter should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number… Editor

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