VOL. 56 ISSUE 8 FEBRUARY 26, 2019 P85
(Above) Larry Pegram
(22) shoots to the
front of race two
ona Saturday. The
veteran enjoyed his
time down under.
(Left) Steve Rapp
suffered various
engine dramas over
the weekend and
didn't take part in
the final race on
Sunday. (Right) Jason
Pridmore's weekend
comes to a crashing
halt after one and
three-quarters of a lap
in race one. A broken
leg was the result.
liams, British Superbike and Isle of
Man TT racers like John McGuinness
and Peter Hickman, and stunningly
well prepared and blazingly fast ma-
chines on which to compete.
However, for 2019, Team UK was
absent from the entry list. The com-
bined expense of bringing such a
heavy-hitting team and equipment
half way around the world, plus the
Australian Government's recently
introduced ban on aviation fuel for
non-aviation purposes (of which many
of the UK and indeed Australian bikes