Cycle News

Cycle News Issue 50 December 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 55 ISSUE 50 DECEMBER 18, 2018 P123 L ots of top racers become so entrenched in their specialty that they rarely, if ever, venture outside that bubble. There are, of course, many reasons for this. In order to suc- cessfully chase championships, many feel it necessary to focus entirely on the task at hand, con- centrating all efforts towards that singular goal. Then there's the less men- tioned area of ego. Champions don't like to lose and stepping out of one's normal world ex- poses them, makes them vulner- able and stacks the odds against them. In other words, they lose the advantage, increasing the likelihood of losing. That's both embarrassing and confidence shaking, and the ego rattling that results can negatively affect near- future success in their chosen field, possibly costing income as well until results return to normal. So it's unusual—and a refresh- ing change—when a successful racer steps out of that comfort zone they enjoy and strike out in new directions. Giacomo Redondi is one ex- ample. Not only did he leave his native Italy to race in the United States this year, he did so on different machinery than he was contracted to race in Europe and did so as a privateer. But against many odds, he suc- ceeded, winning the 2018 Rocky Mountain ATV-MC World Off-Road Championship Series (WORCS) crown in his first attempt—while still competing in Europe during breaks in his U.S. schedule. What prompted him to try a new style of racing in a place far from home where very few spoke his native Italian and where he had minimal support, meaning he'd be starting almost from scratch? We posed that and other questions just days before he lined up to represent Italy on its World Trophy team at the 93rd FIM International Six Days Enduro (ISDE) in Chile where his successful year culminated in third place for the team and third for him personally in E3. Dream Italy's Giacomo Redondi took a chance, packed his bags, left the comforts of home, and headed to America. He'll go home with a WORCS number-one trophy. BY MARK KARIYA PHOTOGRAPHY BY MARK KARIYA AND HARLEN FOLEY C O M E S T R U E

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