Cycle News

Cycle News Issue 47 November 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOL. 55 ISSUE 47 NOVEMBER 27, 2018 P67 (Left) Maverick Vinales put on a smoke show at Valencia, but it's only testing… (Right) Jack Miller instantly adapted to the new GP19 Ducati, going fourth fastest. Franco Morbidelli and the Yamaha gelled immediately, as the MotoGP sophomore ended the test in sixth place. Dovi spent day one on the old bike, switching to the new GP19 Ducati to set the time on day two. The focus was on improv- ing turning, and, "it looks like we have found something," he said. More comments on the GP19 came from his new factory teammate Danilo Petrucci, fifth fastest, and an instant fan. "There are no negative points," he said. New Pramac Ducati team leader Jack Miller was more forthcoming and a little faster than his former teammate, placed fourth in his first ride on the GP19. The Aus- tralian has jumped two years, having raced a GP17 all year, and was full of praise—both for significantly improved turn-in and the much better quickshift gearbox. Third, ahead of the Ducatis, was Repsol

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