The village at the
top of the Stelvio
pass included
several food
stands and shops.
You could sit their
for hours watching
the parade of
people cresting
the summit.
How do you pack for an
Edelweiss Motorcycle Tour
The weather is very unpredictable in Europe and especially in the Alps. The weather
apps on our phones prior to leaving showed 80-plus percent chance of rain every day
and relatively cool temperatures as we packed, and, in the end, we only had real rain on
parts of two of the six days. Fortunately, only one brief thundershower at the end of one
day was extreme. With the large variances in altitude during the route, the temperatures
changed dramatically but were generally warmer than the weather apps said it would
be. Godfried told us several times to ignore the apps and said, "if you want to know how
the weather is going to be today, just step outside and you only know how it will likely be
for the next 30 minutes." So you have to pack for warm, cold, wet and dry conditions.