Cycle News

Cycle News 1967 Issue 08 Mar 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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$1 SAVE BIG MONEY TODAY HEADUlIE IS BOLD TYPE...$UO EXTRA ADS OFFERING ANYTHING TO GIVE AWAY OR TRADE - FREE $2 25 WORDS ,.,., Plctur. (1Ilpp1ied by JOlI)-$3.oo ema Prlces_l0 words or, plas address and pII• • namber-$Loo 25 words or Ius, plus ad._ss alId t.leph• • nallber_$2.DO all the -odi Exc.lI..t workInc cond., normal Co. bonellts,.~ • ., xlnt. cond. $795. Call da-s I 5 day w••k. Bill Kraus. Honda-Trlumph, 1257 (213) 748-1892, .ves. 769-2797. So. la Br.a Bl.d., InCI_od, 678-5035. GRE'EVE5-Ten, us.d, prlc.d $250.00 to $550.00. Nicholson Motors, 11629 Van Own., No. Hollywood, Calif. 1965 BSA HORNET cust. paint. tJqn 2,000 mll.s. Sel up for str.t. Se. to appreclat. $1,000. CaU 835-7518. TRADE: 1964 TrlulllPh, COIIIIIletely let up for Nser1 lor 250cc Gr.ves ar Ita Itxo. W.k lII..s GIlly 761·323L '6$ IIORTO. ATLAS 750cc . . .t 1UdI. llast 1963 MATCHLESS 500cc d.sart blk•• A-I condition. Many extras. S. to appr.clate. Don DlxoII, 23782 l ....1nlew, EI Taro, Calli. 62 TRlUltPH SOOcc road mod., exc.lI..t condltl •• Phalle: 341...255. '62 TRIU11PH desert blk..-650ce TR6, r.C8lIt .....11.. p1stGlls, rlncs, val.. JolI, IIIINS, ole. Bates daer1 seat. Very r.llab". .d rudy to !D, $S5O.oo. 321-1521. FRAICCI 5-BADETT DI rt 1IIIl.. 2lIOcc Vllilers $n.721...295 sell $751.00. P1talI. "1651. .101_ If'IJELCOME CYCLE RIDERS" Uf3 TOHATSU for s1reet or dirt s GIlly polDts $101.01.213) 222-2720 plos a f xtra PI_ of parkla, spac.. llatol, 3757 Las Blvd. 50, (702) 736-2064 us, • ."ada. IKlTORCYCl£ SAlVAGE-1965 H.u HlI let ep for scrambl.s.2 sets fA _"'s,2 front .ds, extra parlnc & _y oIMr parts. Prlc. $295.00. call 33+-5912 Ilays 962-5781 ...s. 1966 GREEVES55W sprIlla-fadl CIt.".II,ar IIIeb, .xp.c11llbr., 20m. on . . . one. E"c.llont cond., fast $175 or 1 HE 6-0457. 64 SHERPA 200cc xlnt. cond. Just .....IIt, raced, $450 ar best fAfar. Will lIad. for 250 llatador 01 ? (213) 86Ni538. IlO.DA 5-90, 1966 cam. thr•• tropllies. 500 actual desart mllos $250. Call 894-6633. DA 3- Must b. experlenc.d. Good compaoy benefits. South Bay Honda, 1212 So. Pacillc Coast Hwy.. R.dolldo Buch, Calif. Phon. 378-9257 Ask 'or: Jay TUllis. STABLE DEALERSHIP FOR SALE Contrallocallon III a fast crowlnc area. larc. show room and outside display a..a. Serylce dept. I's equlpp.d. Will' consider any ..asoubl. offar. Wrlt. 10 Box SV, C/o Cycl. News, 6477 long Beach, lonC Beach, callfarnla 90.05. CULVER CITY CYCLE CENTER - 10248 Cul••r BI.II., Culver City, Callforala 839-9000 i;:OMPRESSION RELEASE FOR All 2STROKES. W. also sp.clallze In hlnlnc and r....UdlnC BU l TACOS. CERIANI FORKS" REAR UNITS You' •• beard about· ...- . .' •• pl'OII! UDlts for s~ scrambl.s, fIIlId racine, do.... IIg11t. .lgIIt, .acst... l l t . - . now availabI.. SI_'s, 1635 W. Valley, A....... ca 1If. 213-1229. YAMAHA 250cc Sports Twin Showrooll cood. $295.00 ar IraN for car or truck. Eves. 696-1674. 1KlT0RCYClE, lIOTOR SCOOTER llalllnty III-.c:.. low as $19 JUt, (llIOtorcrd., _or s-e. I-.IIC. _ OlIIy, PlIo.. 295-2054 ar writ. ,., SVPlleatlOD, call1onlia _otoreycl. Oal.s Association, Box 43262, los "'C.'.s, 90043. BSA GOlDSTAR Flaltrack..,•• spare _"-' dolcll, ,..1101, ,las ..... spaID, $100. 64 IIG sport SodaII, $751. BalcII fA "'''s, 1IIfsc. parts, all _st .... Trades consl...... Roll Harrison, (7l4) ~ eves. I .... a hley silo., 11II• • • lost (or stol_) at tho last T.T. IlOOAKA $poed . . .1........ Trade. PIl. DU 25427. Will TRADE '&5 .,laco SIl.,.. _ tires, rf.s, paint, fer c. or ? ~ EX 3-5423. SWAP: Ba"s iliad solo & pllll .... TrI....... staDdard bl. . & wIlIt. _tam•• sats. For ctass or at•• _ 871-6919 after &. 250cc YAIIAKA Flaltracker. factory,S .... • _ TO 1 _dn., _k. off.r. EX 3-5423. III fit Trl..ap/l 650. (7l4) TRADE 55 Ford Pic..... far HarloyoDnftl_ K-H will lIapdoor case or KR or Sportstor parts. P..... (n3) 7...,,31 aftar 7 p.... TRADE. 303 cal. Brltlsll JUIICI. carbiae for I.ather paDls 29" wal st 6'1" frame. 782-1211 ally tim.. MECHANICS, capabl. alld .xperl..c.d In motorcycl. malntonallce lIIId repair. Foothill Trail & Sport, 2131 V.rduco BI.d. Montros., Calif. pl. TRIUMPH cas ullk, Bates seat, .xc.lI..t. Trad. ? 361-9412. TWO BSA Flatlrackerframes.N ••d work. Mak. offer. Charley Kolin, 2736 Carllsl•• Eo AI,Iluquerqu., NoM. PII. 265-5745., Zip 87110. ROAD RACE Equipment, sonic falrinc, alld liv. plloll aluml ...m tank. Ph, 532-2997. ART BARDA call C.I at 583-3409 -days. 1966 HONDA 160 IIIUst s.1I $395. Whlttl.r, 94!-4065. TRADE COlltln..tal Mini blk. . .w for Hodaka Phon. aftar 5 p.m. 941-9971. 57 FORD RANCHERO 312-$350'. or trad•• Call OX 9-8210, st.... HONDA MECHANIC WANTED 8133. 1438 W. 125th St., los AnC.I.s. 4lh 1966 CZ MOTOCROSS Factory Special, Exceptional handllnc, super fast, a sara wlnn.r TT or d.sert, rid. to appr.clat., buylnc hom., mast s.lI, best off.r. (n3) 379-1873. 65 GREEVES Motocross soli', iraN for lat. modol Triumph. Jack K.II, 4209 W. 133, KawtlJome, C.III. WANT. TO BUY IOCJd us.d Bultaco call1pOfa S.H.K,7-1340 5-9, G.R. Padfl.,d, 921 Brook ,St., Saata Ana, Calli. TRADE: 4:ood9 Plr.1II class ·C" Iik. n.w, & Bultaco ps tank & clip on bars for ? What have you? Jarry 868-4065. FOR SALE: '64 Gr•••s, desart equlpp.d, lull.d .xhaust. Exc.lI.nt. $450.00. Phone: (213) 469-2358. TRADE 1965 Yamaha FI..attrack.r ..ry last. Rudy far Ascot far str.t III k. or ? (n4) 887-1178. 1961 BSA Goldstar $550.00 500ce slnCI •• 842-7006 Burbank. '57 TR6 d.sert, Immaculat., play or rae•• Sacrlfic.361-9412_ • FOR SALE, 64 Gr....s square bar..l, d.s.rt equipped, xlnt. $450. (213) 469-2358. KIM KIMBALL SAVES $68,lIlI A MONTH With Jim Mamlng Uf. Insurance. Phone: 627-4445.530 W. 6th St., los AnC.I.s, Calif. WE GOT EM r TRI UMPHS All a.ailabl.lncludlng the n.w TR6C Sh.11 Motors, 638-4864. • I T : WRITE AD HERE - __ TRADE 1966 BiC Boar Scrambler 250ce with 850 slreet mlln for desart machl •• Villars (714) JA 7-3387, (714) 877-4563. FOR SALE: 1965 lfortGll Atlas 750cc 2,700 mll.s, like new. (714) 823-1863. CASH PAID-For loather road raclnc paols (34) & lIIots (10P,7)' Also R.R. Ures, - t , encln.lOodi.s & svar. wile. Is for Sozolll X-6. 750cc NORTON Road Racer Manx frame alId runninc PhoIf8: 459-8721. MECHANIC NEEDED: L1k. to r.locate In las V.Cas? W. n.ed .xp.rl..c.d man wi th own tools. Good pay, st.ady.S..d resume 10, lOal S. Main, las Veea., N.y. Also wanl 18" Koobbln. .. Davis, 644 Oldham Way, San Jos., Calif. 225-4652 RI CKMAN METI SSE 158 Thr•• months old $750.00 GA 4-0083. FOR SALE: KRH Flattrack.r. Fo...... mil. champ. winn.r. lots 01 spar.s. Also 1965 CR Sprint TT Bike. Will trade far Trlampll or Gr•••es or cash. KRH $650.00, Sprint $450.00 Corona Motorcycle Ctr., 620 N. Main, Corona (714) 735-5600. ._ .. __ .__ .__ .. _._-_._-_._-_._---- .. __ .-• 1966 HONDA 450. L1k. n.w 3000 mll.s. AskInc $749.00. 377....66. ~._._._._-_._._-_._. I $2 25 WORDS .~ . ••• ,•••••••••••••••••••!•••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••• -E-X-P-E-R-I-E-N-C-E-D-H-O-N-D-A-M-E-C-H-A-N-I-C 1965 TRIUMPH TR6-C all set for the d.sert, FOR SALE, Plck-up 56 Ford $375.00. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 lORDS WANT ADS JlIORDS .. $1 SHOP THE TRADE-Molltesa or BSA MlC for bathroom remodellnc. Call 447-8342. FOR SALE 1951 C..... pickUp 6"3 Cor••tt. 327 Enlln., OX 9-7703. $1 & • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $2 Ten Words - $I TwentY Five words - $2 Headline in BOLD TYPE $1 ex1ra Pi C1Ure $3 ema. Name •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Address •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FREE WANT ADS If you have solDethiug to give any trade elc. wanl ads are (ree to yoa City•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Slate ••••••••• ENCLOSE CURRENCY MAIL TO: CYCLE NElS. P.o. BOX _, LONG BEACH, CAUF. ~ • : • ..

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