Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(Formerly Motorcycle Journal) PRICE: 15 CENTS VOLUME n THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1965 NUMBER 36 DESERT 16th Rams Run Mulder's It was overcast and just col d enough to see your breath and just wet enough to keep down the d ust as th e 16th Ann ual Rams Hare and Hound got off at 10:15 a.m . Nov. 14, 1965. The first loop was 45 m iles, containing two checks. Ron Nelson took the lead quickly, but d ro pped out with me chanical troubles, yielding it to Edd ie Mulder . Riding fast. Mulder came through the pits on the fir st loop 81,2 minutes ahead of Larry Bergquist, the 2nd man. Dick Vic k was running 3rd and Mike Patrick 4th. The 2nd loop ran 40 miles around the desert, Mulder blasted in , first by 4 minutes to w in over all. He had blown hi s gearbox right after leaving the pits starting the second loop and only had 4th gear left. Muld er sai d he had to get off a couple of times and pu sh it th rough a sand wash, but he went on to win anyway. Dick Vickwho w as running 3r d got lost because th e lime was probably washed away in places by the previous night's rain . This dropped Dick back t o 13th place. The tiny b ikes m ade only one loop (Continued on Page 5) ASCOT WINDUP OF '6S SEASON Ad Manager Gil Bro w n at work. No "Season" in Calif. M/Cling, Says Gil Brown One of the few statements pow erf ul enough to upset Gil Brown's pleasant d isposition is the fallacy that there is any "slow season" in the Ca lifornia motorcycle b usiness. Gi1'~ ow n suc cess as a motorcycle (Con tinued on Page 2) The riders who won all year long won the California state championships las t Friday night in the final Ascot event of 1965. Sammy Tanner climaxed the best season of hi s 10-year racing career with an easy victory in the 20-lap expert ma in . E d die Hammond wrapped up the amateur season point ch am pionship with a record-breaking win in the 15-la p ye llow plate final. J ohnny Isaacs won his umpteenth str aight main event in the n ovice 10-lapper. Tan n er , w ho won his third eig htmi le nation al championshi p in September, closed out the season with 46 wins-14 mains, 21 heats, 9 trophy dashes and two semi mains. H ammo nd won 28 times-7 mains, 17 he ats and four dashes. Isa acs won 38 times-14 mains, 20 heats and 4 dashes. Ham mond had the ro ughest time of it Friel.)" ni ght, traili ng Paul Con - (Con tinued on Page 8) 'Why oh why d id he ever leave Wyom ing?" Ascot's no vices sa ng when John Isa acs left th em in his wake . SCRAMBLES . ~ PERRIS SIZZLES WHEN IT DRIZZLES • EI Maestro J im Hu nte r cool s it o n h is TT tire s. wh ile knobby-clad Wa lt Ax thelm used the muddy course and CZ power to advantage . • Waterin g th e cou rs e t he night before last Sunday's scrambles at Perris turned out to be as unnecess ary as spreading fertilizer in a barnyard. Heaven's own watering truck drench ed the course all day. but failed t o dampen the enthusiasm of nearly 200 scramblers who showed up to ride in the rain. Slippin' and sli d in', Sou th ern Cali fornia's n umber one scramb ler, J im Hu nter, met his waterloo at the ha nds of Walt Axthelm, w ho u sed t he traction . advantage of hi s k nobby-tired , 350cc CZ to dom inate two out of three 500cc Expert moto crosses. The great John Rice fou nd the Slippery cou rse to his liking and showed the ot hers how it sh ould j be (Co~tinued on Page 3) "