Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

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Georgia Promoters Group Se r ies Round 10: Bremen Race Park Dash Gets the Cash By F .B. ATKINSON BREMEN, GA, MAY 16 he Georgia Pro mo t e rs G rou p c ame to Brem en Race Pa rk for th e w ee ke nd to en joy t he perfe ct dirt again. A fe w changes ke pt the ride rs on their toe s. and in re turn the ride rs gave eve ryone quite a show. Get a soft drink and get into the gra ndsta nds, because the T first mo te 's on the gate! T he 50 cc Shaft con test wa s he ld on the supe rc ross side o f the facility. so th e par ents had an eas ier job kee ping up with the racers . Br ad e n Bun k er ro de his Yam aha past the che c ke rs first in bot h mo t e s to garner t he o ve ral l. Na tha n Vro o ma n had a st ro nge r second mo to to pull second overall away from Travis Hutton. who also put in a good ride. Wh e n th e 50 cc (7- 8) gate fe ll. C art e r O ldknow used his Co bra to w in the overall w it h a s e c o n d- m o t o victory. KT M p ilot Myles He at h was th e filling in the Co bra sa nd w ich, sco ring th e sec ond spot o n t he pod ium , and fast Cobra jockey Jose ph 8eggs was t hird overall. The Youth division saw Suzuki joc key Keith Davidson pull out a pe rfect second mota for t he overa ll w in. Robby Wi niarczyk, on his Freewheeling Honda, scored a first-moto win but slipped to t hird in t he seco nd mo te and wo u nd up se c o nd on the pod iu m . Just in Matt he w s, o n anot he r Suz uki, to o k the last pod ium position . The largest class on the gate was the 125cc C cla ss. Yama ha-mou nte d Ch rist ian Gibney was the overall vietor with a win and a second. Bo bb y Scogin. on his CRF, was right th ere , waiting for a slip-up, and his solid performance ea r ne d him th e se c o nd po d ium pos ition . Yamaha-mounted Matt Turner came out of the pack to w in the sec on d mota and th e t hird ste p on t he pod ium. Many of the spectators can't wa it for the A RESUL TS SO SHAFT (4 .6) : I. Ashton Ha yes (C o b) ; 2. Jaco b Wi lliamson (C o b); l . Broc Wright (Co b); 4. Jacob Ed iso n (Cob) ; 5. N icola s U rt ado (Yam). 5 0 (7 .8) : I. Connor Kenyon (KTM); 2. Michael WoH"e (Cob); L Jorey lAmb right (Yam) . 50 JR 0 ��1 : I. Jacob Williamson (C o b); 2. Brendyn Sne ll (KTM); l . Aden Merchant (Kaw): 1. Bra d le y Esper (Co b): S. Zachary M~one (KTM). SO JR 0 �� 2, I. Robe" V~I (Po l); 2. Trenton Upshaw (Pol); 3. Mckinzie Edwards (KTM); 4. Ch ristopher Kruge r (KTM): 5. Brod ie Taylor (KTM). 50 SR 0 -1 : I. Dillon Finley (KTM); 2. Kurtice Kem (Lem ): C ody Price (KTM); 4. Kory Scbocke (Co b); S. Taylor Witt (KTM). 50 SR 0 -2 : I . Tyle r Hitch (Co b); 2. Austin Ste infeldt . (KTM); l . Austin Dodd (Co b); 1. Kyle Lewis (KTM); 5. Justin Mille r (KTM) . 65 0 -1 : I . Kody Kamm (KTM): 2. Je sse We ntland (KTM); 3. Joey Hale (Suz); 1. [ace Owen (Suz); 5. Adam Ciancarulc (Kaw). 65 0 -1 : I . Shawn Rife (KTM); 2. Kenneth Ba ss (KT M); l . Lu ka s Katers (Kaw) ; 4. Kevin Carpenter (KTM); 5. Seth Weis (KTM). 6 5 0��3 : I. Codie Bylsma (KT M) ; 2. Bo b b y D a vie s (Kaw ): l . Br a n d o n Horttmiller (KTM); 1 . Kyle Straube (KTM): 5. O ITe Shane (KTM). 8 5 (9 . 1J) : I . Kyle Corman (Suz); 2. Matthew Adrian (Suz); l . Miehael Ross (Suz); 4. Bubba Cline (Kaw ); S. James Schma us (Suz). 85 C: I . Travis Richards (Suz); 2. Mike Kline (Hon); J. William Thomason (Hon) ; 1. David Holland (Hon); 5. Randy Petfrey (Han). 8 5 JR 0 - 1: I. Shawn Rife (KTM): 2. Jam es Schma us (Suz); l . Cody Green (Suz); 4. Josh ua lange (Kaw): 5. Taylor Morris (KTM). 85 JR 0 -1: I . T im Walke r (Kaw ): 2. Joshua lange (Kaw): l . Cadie Bylsma (KTM): 4 . Jes se Wentland (Suz); 5. Michae l He isler (Kaw). 85 SR 0 ��1 : I. To ny Gallo (Suz): 2. Brad M. Kiester (Kaw): l . Brae D . Pe t e rs o n (Han); 4 . Steve n Mages (Kaw) : 5 . Elio t Jackso n (Kaw ). 85 SR 0-1: I. Bre tt Wagner (Kaw); 2 . Kyle Corman (Suz); J . Dan iel Aulseybrook (Suz); 4. Kyle langley (Suz): S. a. ride rs to hit t he gate , so they can see who will get t he money. The 12Scc A contest saw the re tur n of Dash Lyle , after recove ring fro m a bro ken ar m. O n his RHS Ho nda. l yle was the o ne to be at , but no o ne did : He wo n bot h motos. (Apparently, his arm is okay.) Kyle Kelly. on anothe r C RF, t ook se co nd- place ho no rs wit h a good ride . Another Hon da ma n, Lee Mullis. put in a so lid ride for th ird place . In the 250cc A class. Mike Tolbe rt . on his fast CRF, put the hammer down for the overa ll w it h a last -mo ta w in. Lyle , o n anot he r RHS Hon da, w o n the first mota . A fourt h-place st a rt he ld lyle back in mot o t wo . C had Albritton. on a fast KTM. got the last podium spot with a coupl e of good finishes. The Vet Novice gate was big on th is day, and Yamaha ride r Todd 5hambo got the overal l with a good ride . Brian Williams of Moto-Grafix took a stro ng seco nd overall after winning the first mo ta but slipp ing back in t he se co nd amaha pilot, stanza . Dean De Lamar, anoth er Y CN was steady for the last podium spot. BREMEN RACE PARK BREMEN, G EORGIA RESULTS: MAY 16, 2004 (ROUND 101 50 SHAFT: I . Braden Bunker (Yam); 2. Nathan Vrooman (Yom); 3. ToM ' Hutton (Yam 4. Boy.ton Ivey (Yom); S. Gary ); Denis (Yam). 50 HONJKTl>t OIL..JNJ: I . N il: Corbin (KTM); 2. Payton Morgan (H an ); l . Da wson Wells (H on ); 1. Ale x Balkcom (H a n) : S. Baile y C room (KTM ). 50 (4 . 6 ) : I. Co leman Mart in (Cob): 2. Payton Morgan (Cob); l . Tyler Slwp (Cob); 4 . Boiley Croom (KTM) S. T""'" Hutt on (Pol). ; SO (7 -8) , I. Cart~ Oldknow (Cob); 2. """" Head> (KTM): 3. Joseph Be ggs (C o b) : 4. C olton Fo rd (KTM); 5. Brad y Moo'eland (KTM). 50 OPEN, I. Carter Oldknow (Cob); 2. B~1ey Thompson (Cob); 3. Braden 8unk~ (lom): 4. B..dy Moo'eland (KTM); S. CoIenk;m ): ); (Han). 125 C, I. Chrntion Gibney (Yam) 2. Bobby Scogin ; (Han ); 3. Matt Tume , (Yam 4. T""'" Laird (Han): S. Robby ); Win iarayk (Ho n). 150 BEG: I . Boyd Peterson (Hon ): 2. Wi lliam $elf (Sux); 3. James Devine (Yarn); 'I . Jason Pow ell (Yam S. <:n;gSIti..,.,- (!

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