Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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record, and 1.5 off his own new dry lap record. So it's t ru e - warm slicks do work in the wet. Biaggi was third, t he n Bayliss, Xaus, Barros, Abe and the rest, as abo ve . The race was exciting. Almost more so the unison chanting of the crowd over the last three laps, after Rossi had taken the lead. Even he could hear it. " I have to thank them all," he said . Gibernau's points lead was cut back to 10, 86 points to Rossi 's 76 . Biaggi has 72, then a long way back come Barros (48), Checa (36) and Ed w ard s (33). CN GRAN D PREMIO CINUNO D' ITAUA MUGEUO, ITALY RESULTS: JUNE 6, 2004 (ROUND 4) MOTOGP QUAL IFYING: I. Sete Giberna u ( 1:49.55]); 2. N icky Hayden ( 1:49.922); 3. Valentin o Ro ssi ( 1:49.926): 4. Alex Barros ( 1:50 .058) ; 5. Marco Melandri (1:50.3 15); 6. Max B;'88i (I :50.445); 7. Makoto Tamada (I :50.5M): B. Loris Capirossi (1;50.699) ; 9. Kenny Roberts Jr. ( I:SO.736); 10. 5hinya Na kano ( 1:50.807); I I. Carlos Che ca ( I:50.858); 12. Co lin Edward s (1:50.970); I) . Alex Hofmann ( 1:5 1.303); 14. Ruben Xa us ( 1:5 1.405): IS. Troy Bay!", ( I:S1.647): 16. No rick Abe (1:5 1.659); 17. Shane Byrne ( 1:52.355); 18. Jeremy McWilliams ( 1:52.368) ; 19. Nei l Hod gson ( 1:52.496); 20 . No buauu Aok i ( 1:52.904) : 2 1. Kurtis Roberts (1:54 .066): 22. Andr ew Pitt (1:5455 6); 23. Miche l Fabrizio ( I:54.6 95). MOTOGP: I. Vale ntino Rossi (Hon ); 2. Sere Gibe ma u (Hon): 3. Max Biaggi (Hon) ; 4. Tro y Bayliss (Due ): S. Ruben Xaus (Due); 6. Ale x Barros (Hon) : 7. Norick Abe (Yarn 8. Loris Capi rossi ): (Due ); 9. Marco Melandri (Yarn); 10. Shane Byrne (Apr ); I I. Neil Hodgson (Due) : 12. Co lin Edwards (Ho n); 13. Nobu atsu Aoki (Pro ); 14. Ale x Hof mann (Kaw); IS. MKhel Fabriz;o (WC M): 16. Je re my McWilliams (Apr) ; 17. Andrew Pitt (Kaw). Tim e : 12 min., 6.80 3 sec. Distance : 19.5 1 miles, 6 laps Av erag e sp eed : 96 .64 mph Margin of v ic t o r y : .36 1 sec. Fastest la p : Sete Gibemau.lap ] , 1:51.1 33 MOTOGP WORLD C'SHIP POINTS STANDINGS (After 4 of 16 rounds): I. Sete Gibemau (8612 wins); 2. Valentino Rossi (7612 wins); 3. Max Biaggl (n ); -4 Alex Barros (48); 5. . Carlo, Checa (36): 6. Colin Edwa rds (lJ); 7. Lon , Capirossi (28); 8. N icky Hayden (27); 9. Troy Bayliss (23); 10. Man:o Melandn (22); II. No nck Abe (2 1): 12. Makot o Tamad a ( IS); I] . Ruben Xaus ( 13); 14. Kenny Robens J' . (12): IS. Shiny> Nakano ( I I); 16. (TIE) Shane Byrne/M ichel Fabriz;o (7): 18. (TIE) Neil Hod gsorV"Nobuatsu AokVAlexHofmann (5). 25 0 GP QUALIFY ING : I. Sebast ian Port o (1:53.69 1): 2. Oaniel Pedrosa ( 1:53.979): 3. Randy De Puniet ( 1:54 .180): 4. Ton; Eltao ( 1:54.6 35): 5. Alex DeAngelis (1:54.64 3); 6. Manue l Poggial i ( 1:5-4 70) ; 7. Fra nco Batt aini ( 1:54. 8 15); 8. .6 Robe rt o Rolfo ( I:55. 157); 9. Fon si N ie to ( I:55. 158): 10. Joan Olive ( I:55.502): II. Hi=hi Aoyama ( 1:55.627); 12. Jakub 5mn (1:55.972): 13. Hect or Faubel ( I:56.057); 14 . Naoki Mats udo (1:56.24 7): IS. 5ytva;n Guintoli (1:56 .32B); 16. Anthon y West ( 1:56.38 1); 17. Hugo Mar chand (1:56.5 10): lB. Alex Baldo/ini ( 1:56.704): 19. Ene Bataille ( 1:56 .752): 20. Chou Da,,;es (1:56.926): 2 1. Gregory Lefort (1:57.146); 22. Arnaud Vincent ( 1:57.330); 23. Erwan Nigon ( 1:57.363); 24. Dirl< He ldolf (1:57.5 15): 25. Al ex Debon ( 1:57.568 ): 26 . Johan Stigefelt ( 1:57.796): 27 . Ch ristian Ge mmel ( 1:58,477): 2B. Jama R" ,,,on; (1:58.64 3): 29. Taro Sekigu<:hi (1:58.690) : 30. Max Sabba...,i (1,01.0 5 1). 250 GP : I. Sebastian Porto (Apr) ; 2. Daniel Pedrosa (Hon ): 3. Manuel PoggiaJi (Apr); 4. Randy De Punie t (Apr): 5. Fan si N ie to (Apr ); 6. Ton i Elias (Han ); 7. Roberto RoIfo (Hon ); 8. Alex De Angelis (Apr); 9. Hirosh i Aoyama (Hon ); 10. Ant hony West (Apr): I I. Joan Olive (Apr); 12. Franco Batta ini (Apr) ; 13. Sylvain Guintoli (Apr): 14. Hect or Faubel (Apr); 15. AJ x Debon (Hon ): 16. Naoki Matsuda e (Yam): I 7. Chaz Da vies (Apr ); 18. Gre go

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