Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MvOwN 155 RACE Ben Bostrom 4th/5th On Saturmy, American Honda's Ben Bostrom had the same compound rear tire as race wimer Miguel Duhamel and runner-up Mat Mladin, but it was a different construction. jake Zemke had the same rear as Bostrom. Bostrom ran in second n the earlyruming before being passed, frst by Mladin, then Duhamel, then Zemke. It was a problem from the start, and he had little drive oil the comers. '" knew we were in trouble because Icouldn't get a drive to pass [Eric Bostrom) on the straightaway," Ben Bostromsaid about his earlystruggles. "When the other guyscame by. Ifollowed them. """'d seem to maketime on the entries and lose it on the exit. That's usuallya sign of trouble toward the end of the race. It'll be faster tomorrow." Bostrom also Ihought he may have stretched the rear chain,as he had in Daytona. "On the straightaway we had a lot of rn Suzuki's Aaron Yates and Attack Kawasaki's J Hayes osh dropped out. Sundayended his string of sixths when he finished seventh, again by himself. He was ;rN;rf like a shot on Sunday, then let the factory rideB come by and madea rookie rristake with a backshift. "I guess there was a lot of stuff behind me, but pretty uneventful again. It's just good to be down here testing because I'm really worly into AMA racing costs aro und $25,000. Picotte tho ught he had a deal with Diablo , th e Canadian pain tball compa ny, to do six AMA races, but D iablo pulled t he plug after Daytona and never paid him , Pico tt e said . T he deal came toge the r just before D ayt ona, and Picotte didn't have time to paint his Yamahas in D iab lo colors. After the race, they told him they were disappointed that the bike s weren't properly branded . "I never got a dime back from them," he said . Stewart's Yamaha R6 was well down on power on the rest of the Formula Xtreme field, "Th e y' re basically stock motorcycles: Pico tt e said . O hlins had helped with the suspension. "It's definitely a soft Supersport." Picott e was on St ewart 's back-up bike in case Stewart showed up to ride on Friday. Stewart did show up, with a soft brace on his wrist, unable to ride. " I'm trying to win , but I don't think it's going to be possible: Picott e said. " It' s more like Continued on poge 16 CYCLE NEWS ��� JU NE 16 , 2 004 lS

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