Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The Original MX Hitch Cover . Want the "HOTT ES T' MX hitch cover for your lruck or SUV, with you r own cu stom # on the fron t pla te? . . \ i,,::,::::...-;,,"'?-u;:li \ ..J-..:= ,1).,. . ...2..,." . ~: r"2 ~ ' ��� i: ~ I I .~....- , - ��� ��� ~' ~,..- ~ ~l .. ~ call and order loday (888)855-8979. Prices range Irom $59.95 10 $89.95. All faclory colors available. Mor e pi ctu res on -04 ca talog @ www.psrac ing .net. CA L VVVV~.~~yya ~a ha._c o_1ITI RACE SUSPENSION LIN DE MANN ENGI NEERING 520 McGlincey lane .3 Cam pbell CA 95008 (408)311-&151 FAX (408) 311-4915 www.le-suspension .com OVER 30 tUG PRO NATIONAL CHAM PIONS HIPS LE SUSPEN SION PRODUCTS & SE RVICES ��� t E S prings �� Tit anium sp rings �� ��� Penslc.e Shocks�� WP Suspension ��� ��� Fox Shocks ��� Eibach Springs ��� ��� MX�� RR . D T ��� Fork VolYln g ��� Shock Volv lng ��� 2000 E��350 Aerocell Diesel Sleep s 3, ho t water, inside & outsi de shower, 140 gallon waler tanks, 1001 boxes. $14,000 OBO. (717) 362-8470, or cook360 @adelphia.nel. PA N EW DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME PCS Neck Support Systems Worn by the fastest kids in the country. 4 different sizes, 6 different colors available. CALL NOW! (800) 522-9590, Dealer inquiries welcome. CA Gas Gas Moto rs of Amer ica, L.L.C . 1��8 13��B 1 B -2825 \N\N\ ��� XR STY LE CONVERS IONS . REAR SET FOOTPEGS ��� BRAKE COMPONEN TS . STE ERING OAMP ER KITS f' r I,' - ,- r : , t l I; I I'_.'_~~ 'I 1 - j" ': " r I I I __,_I ��� . J, I,ll [ I 1 'L'_II ,-' I -J I I j o[ 'j -, -, 1_ ~ I. ' - I - . - r -,,-,I I _' . ��� f I - I I,.~ _,1 --- - ~- - -.. .. I ! I I III' L. l ~ r 'I 1, - I .J 11 "I] [I _----.- , I - - --;-- ��� 1 Piece Pre-Printed Backgrounds .- . VA L, " I,',' 1 r I I' I, 1 I, , I,' -_._--- -- Do you have a back room full of old and obsolete parts? Sell them in the Cycle News Classified Ads and Collectors ads! MIKE 'S CYCLE PARTS .... STREET �� DIRT�� ATV ..... . ~ " ~ ~v:Ma '~ ' R ' '\ # 1 I n C y c le Sa lva g e visi t 35 11 Boon e Road SE �� Sale m, OR 97 30 1 FAX ) -50 3- 362-2828 Ph on e )-503 -3 99- 76 90 t he n ew PJ l . com W WW.M IKESCVCL EPA R T S .COM WWW.CVClellews.CODl Toll Free 1-800-327��7304 PARTS ~PARTS H';; ~ f p. ii r~: ~ n: ! H I.ARGE INVENTORY of IN-STO C K PART S ..",r::: \~ 1caP 1-800 -795-1 KTM www.t hecyc leshed.cem s",:Vl. y c; 485 S, C R. 575 W . NonnVernon. IN 47265 86 'PI G N "' ~ Moto rc,d es& Blcvcles b uy/seltltrade lQYu.. newlused l\..let age S"OIll 6 SWAP pa r h lb ike, lae eesse r tes USAl E u ro/J a pa n~ Long Beach & Pomona, CA EVERY MONTH ��� (800) 875-0088 WWW.TOPPINGEVENTS.COM JUNE 16,2004 ��� CYCLE NEWS Overheating 4-Stroke? Dirttrack Number Plates S peedway Plat es M ini Stickers A w a rd Plates M ini Bike Pl at es o.w "lit WU 2411I1 www.lutfplales. om c (559) 299-7796 F ������t ��� ��� 1 S .r"lc e '" Lo w e .t P r ic e. 40th Anniver sary a LIf . tl m e War r a nl XF+ - the first of its kind - Race Coolant is race proven and guaranteed to stop overheating in your a-s troke because it's Waterless. In addition, it prevents oxidation, cavitation and boilover, and, it does it at safer pressures and toxicity levels. Available in 1/2 gallon jugs through ZTR and its dealers. $23.95 (760) 2447028. CA

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