Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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snlder's Grip Donuts Custom Awnings For Your Trailer KXFIRMZ 250 Kick Starter Lever The ORIGINAL GRI P DONlJTS in Orange, Red , see us at www . Call for a quote (800) 788 -3969 . WV Shortef b' quids jacleral bends available. Construc1ed from heat treated CRF Stabilizer Kits Scotts stabilizer kits available NOW. Com plete bolt-o n, no drilling requi red . Works with IMS tanks and RG 3 triple clamps too. (818) 248-6747, www.scottsonline .com.CA T6 Aluminum. Comes with a vinyl crossbar pad. (800) 336-5437. lJT Cycl e N ew s, Cl assified Ad D ept ., P.O. Box 5084 , Costa M esa . CA 92628��5084 714/751 .7433 D C O M M ERC IA L / H EL P WANTED 24 Hr. FAX (714) 751 -6685 Per word $1.80 Head line i~��~id-;;~-.��.-.-.-.-.��.��.��.-.-.-.-.��.-.-.-.-.-.-.-_-.-.-_-.-_-_-_��~Si-, extra (Charge or Commercial open accounts anty , plea se ) [�� Mail : C las s ifie d s @c yc le ne ws .c o m Blind box Se rvice Charge $6 .00 B&W or Color Photo (no I~ than sen, $22 extra C L ASSI F I E D AD RATES Pri ces Are For On e Issue Only. No log os unless intergral to the product. Aun my ad In the specia l section: _ _ Help Wa nte d - - Position Wanted - _ Busine ss Op po rtunitie s - - Collectors <1974 or older) - - Gene ral Merchandise Digita l J PEG images pre ferred. via disc or email. B&W or co lor prints accepted . Pola roids not accepte d. (One Photo per ad - Printed image size limite d to 2 1/4 �� wide x 1 1/2�� ta ll) Dealers... TRIUMPH T lOOC. 1972 500 twi n, restored , not running. $3 ,200 . 88 johnsoo@ msn .co m, (7 14)84188 14. CA o P RIVATE PARTY Per word Headline in bo ld type ..__ _ .. $.60 $5 extra . B&W or Color Pho to Cno larger than sJ:n__ ..$ 10 extra A private party is someone selling his or her own itemW. or wishing to buy an item for personal USB. Any ongoing activity may be regarded as a business and wi ll be cha rge d the commercial Are used bikes getting hard to come by? Use the Cyc le News Classified Ad s to buy & sell the bikes you need for your inve ntory! CLASS IFIED A D D EADLIN E THURSDAY 5:0 0 p .m . P.T. for the ned available issue. No cancellations after dea dline . Cycle Ne ws reserves the right to edit/abbrevia te copy & bold headlines. Any d isc re pa ncies m ust be reported with in one week of pub lica tio n to receive a ny adjustment. Price advertising or specific refe re nc e to list price or cost on new, current year model moto rcycles will not be accepted. Price advertising is allowed on pre -owned current models but they must be identified as used or previously regist ered . Fill in the Visa/Mastercard Charge blank or send check or money order to Cycle News a t above address. C REDIT CARD LIMIT MINIMUM $5 .00 -===_ Signature rate . PH OTOS PRI N TS RETURN ED ONLY W ITH S EL F��ADDRES S ED STA M P ED EN VE LO PE A FT ER A D HAS RUN IN EJ.NAJ.. ISSUE. Print name . address and ad copy clearly. Expiration Date IIIIIII" IIIIIIII Ple as e run my ad in _ # of is s ue s . Name Addre s s Lop S tat e PRINT BO LD HEA D LINE HERE (l eave spaces) Bo ld headline s do not count towards cla ssi fied ad word co un!. PL EAS E IN CLUD E PU N CTUATIO N . 2 3 4 5 a 7 Petcock Protection 8 In 11 12 13 14 15 '6 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 _ _ __ _ _ _ 9 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 Ph . ' ( ) 50 E��Mail or Webs ite URl E- Mail, W e b s it e U RL c o u n t as one word . L. 82 Phone # cou n t s a s o n e w o rd . E~I !.~ ~ ~ ~o.!.r~~~i~e..!~i!!a R!b~ ��.h2.n,!, ~'!!.b!.rs s e _o!:...c~l: JUNE 16,2004 ��� CYCLE NEWS 52 40th Anniversary _ The "Radial Lever" replaces the stock lever with a tough knurled aluminum knob which won't be fazed by race nasties. Available for Yamaha and KawasaKi petcocks through ZTR and its dealers. S23.95 www TRIUMPH CUB BASKET, $1,500. 1967, compfete, lost title, also cub parts, fork set , $200 , oil tank , S50, gas ta nk S125 . 88johnson @msn .com, (714)841 ��8814. CA Dealers... Do you have a back room full of old and obsolete parts? Sell them in the Cycle News Class ified Ads and Collectors adsl VINTAGE RIDING GEAR Hi-Pon Iea_ boots, new , eas1y 80's, _ 9, S15O.Whoop De ChewsHatnan chest protector, excellen1, needs new elastic, $50 . 1l8jotnsoo@ffiSn.COOl,(714)841-8814 .CA

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