Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Green rounded out the top flve. Ray's Cycle-backed Honda ride r Ryan Lauten earned the 2SOccC overall. co ming fro m beh ind in both motos to score the I-I win. Allen Thompso n (3-2) and A j. Bowling (2-3) followed, with Robbie Rickman fourth and Adam Umberge r fifth. RESULTS 5001.... NI' I. Cort>in Hunt (KTM); 2. Co<)' Hall (Cob~ P/W STl< ( 1' I . 1), 1onKn;gh< (>ion); 2. Bubb> Stone (Hen ); J. Kamin Ho<>Iey (Cob) . 50 STl< ( 1 ), I. Kam;" Ho Stone (KTM); 2. Wil McCracke n (Cob); 3. Robbie Anderson; .. . Jesse Balance ; S. Corbin Hunt (KTM). 6S (1 .9): I. Logan France (KTM); 2. Bubba Sto ne (KTM); 3. Stlantez Ha;m oo (Kaw); ��� . Doryl Joh""'" (KTM); S. T"')' Burl< hoIde , (KTM). 65 (1 . 11), I. Kyle Pet ers (KTM). 65 ( 10- 11) , I. Kyle Peten (KTM); 2. Adam Barl<... (Kaw); J. Gunn..- I\ogen (KTM). 80 BEG , I . _ _ john>OO (1m ); 2. Cameron Nichokon (Suz~ J . J ocob Webste' (Yam); ��� . John Tucker (Hen); 5. 0 '""" Demoion); ��� . Jonathan Worley (1m ); 5. 8 lake Ley (Cob). 85 (12-13), I. T..,., _ (>ion); 2. Colby Hyan (Su, ); J. M..-c W;"ia ms (Hoo). 8 5 (12�� 15), I. Thomas Roben> (50,); 2. H;ogen Lee (Hen) ; 3 . W;1Iiam Creech (Hen ); ��� . Jason Matthew> (Hoo ). 85 (1 . - 15), I. MKkey Rheuarl< (Yam); 2. Holly Annisread (Suz). SlHIN I ( 12-15), I. Ryan Smith (KTM); 2. Daond Barker (Kaw) ; 3. NichoLu Farley (Hon ): ion); ��� . Eric 8...,..., (>ion); 5. Man ); Lee (Yam) . 250 B: I. Noah Huskey (Y ; 2. Brad H ickman (Yam) ; 3. DiMd am) Younce (Kaw); 4 . Ryan Maso n (Yam). 250 C: I. Ryan Lauten (H on) ; 2. AI~ Th o m pso n (Hon); 3. A.j. Bowling (Yam); 4 . Robb ie Rickman (Yam); 5. Ada m Umbe Ru.mko (Kaw). WHNIOO-I25, o I . AmI>..- Farley (KTM); 2. Holly AnniS!ead (1m) ; 3. 8r00itrick Long; S. Anthony l.uer (KTM). VET A , I . Randall Ellison (Yam ); 2. Montie O rr (Y ; J. David BaJdwin (Hon ): -i. Chester am) Whaley (Y am); S. Eric Hytinen (Yam SR k I. Darryl Campbel l (KTM); 2. Mike ). Mcintire (Hus ); 3. Don Hall (YMTl); -i. Darrell Hartey (Kaw). 200 B: I. Brad Bakken (Kaw); 2. Brian Bouma. (Yam): 3. Nick Smith (Yam) ; 4. Travis Fe rguson (KTM); S. flidw-d W;lkenon (Hen ). 250 B, I. Rodney HubbonJ (Kaw); 2. Chad Bakken (Yam) ; 3. Adam Pu<-ce<1 (Hen) ; ��� . Bmn Channell (Yam 5. Austin B.nk en (Hen ). ��� -S'T1l 8 , ); K I. Lee Mitche ll (KTM); 2. Stan St innett (Ho n); J . Perry Brow n (Suz): 4. Sco tt Nichoh (Suz); S. Chris Adkins (Hon) . VET B: I. Ralph Benhart (KTM); 2. Michae l lewis (Hon ); J . Sam C lifford (KTM); -i. jeff re y Hale (Yam) ; S. Stephen Weber (KTM). S R B: I. Robert Galyon (KTM): 2. Robert Co x (KTM); J . Ernie Hostetler (Y am); ��� . Joh n McDonald (KTM); 5. Bobby W;h (Hen ). 200 Ct I . Ryan Rabbi", (Hen ); 2. Co<)' Bose (KTM); 3. Rusty Eppe """ J'. (1m ); ��� . 0 '""" Stauty (Suz); 5. Robe" Manning (Hen) . 250 Ct I. """"-(ICIl1); 2. em. Gn:..-('f.wn); 3. K8th ea.1 (Hen ); ��� . S"""", Scan (Hen) ; 5. Robert Striddand (Yam . -STRK C , I. Ben ). .��� . .������ . . .��� ��� ���. ��� ��� .��� .. June 9 , 1990 RESIDENCE: .��� . ��� ��� . , M artinez, Cal ifornia OCCUPATION: ��� ��� . . ��� .. ��������� . . ��� . Seventh -qrader at Martin 8z Jr. High School OnIER INT��RESlSI ��� . ��� . . . . . . . . Mountain Biking , W ak ebo arding , Riding 50 s MOTORCYCLESI ,KTM 85, KTM 105 DISCIPLINES: Cross Country, Motocross, Enduros SPONSORS: Mach 1 Motorsport s, W inex Helmets , Renthal , M axxis Tires , Cycra .. ���. ��� . . . St onyf or d, Club Moto, Creson Ranch A85 Youth, B200 Sportsman (Cross Cou nt ry) ; B200 (Enduro) ; 85cc Novice (M otocross) loCAL TRACK/RIDING AREA: CLASSES: Phillips (Yam); 2. Travis Dooley (Suz); 3. Carl A.ustin (Yam); ... Eben Cox (Hon ): S. J amie Ritter (Yam) . VET C: I. Rick Shifflett (Kaw); 2. joe Hea twole (Hon ): 3. Russ Buckwa lte r (Hon); 4. Andy Vasquez (KTM); S. Te rry Mayo (KTM). SR C: I . Gary Campbell (KTM); 2. No rm an Kit e (Yam); 3. Wayne Norwood (KTM); 4. Tre nt Burk hoMer (Hon); 5 . Paul Manning (Hon). MSTR: I. Wally Turfboer (KTM); 2. Mamwl Ly.lI (KTM): J. G....... Kenan (Moo ); ��� . HowanJ Roque , (KTM); S. Bob Williams (Yam) MINI A:. I. Pierce Blake (Suz); 2. Kyle Honeycutt (Suz); 3. Matt . Ellis (Hon); 4. Shane Hartless (Suz); S. Patrick Kite (Yam) . MIN I B: I. Cott en ); ); Harrison (Kaw); 2. Caleb Lundeen (Yam 3. Marcu s Harris (Yam ... Chris Hartl ess am) (50,) ; S. Jimmy H" I (Hen) . MIN I C , I . OJ Stroup (Sut); 2. 8 "'" Ilenier (Y ; J . Jocob W oe (Hen ); ��� . Ch ri> EPI""'OO (Kaw); S. 8 r.md00 Taytoo- (KTM). WHN; I. Jess ica Mo rr iso n (Suz) ; 2. Jen ny Blake (Kaw ); 3. Ange la Sonnachi o (Kaw); .. . Heathe r Greer (Kaw) ; S. C hrist ine Blake (Kaw). JR MINI I: I. Alex Be nha rt (KTM); 2. W"" tey Jac""," (Hon); 3. Tn,., oo Lively (Yam ��� . Cole G= (Hoo ); S. ); Stuart Hen ley (Hon ). IR MINI 2: I. Patrick Mue lle r (Kaw) ; 2. Thomas Smith (Kaw); 3. Dylan Mod lin (Kaw); ��� . De..t< 8 .-eeden (Kaw); 5. Che, Martineau (KTM). JR MINI WM N : I. Hea the r Whaley (Hon); 2. ManneWi (Suz); 3. Sarah Baldwin (KTM); ��� . Kelsey Honeycutt (KTM); 5. 8a>ey Dah oo (Y . P/W I , I. l am) Carter Campbefl (Hus); 2 . Sean Benhan (KTM); 3. Braeden Hass (KTM); 4 . Hytton Dahoo (KTM); 5. 1)-1..- Hytinen (KTM). P/W 2, I. Ch ri> Galyoo (KTM); 2. Dylan De La Cruz (Suz); 3. Gn ffin Gerhart (Yam): ... Shane Jonsen (Cob) ; S. leo Clifford (KTM). RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENT ��� Overall win at th e Phantom Hare Sc rambles by four minutes in the C Spo rtsm an Cl ass , on his 85 BEST RACING MOMENT? "At th e 12003 Di st ri ct 36l award s banquet , getting th e nu mb er��on e plat e in 65 s lafterl my f irst year rac ing. " WEIRDEST RACING MOMENT? " I got stu ck in t he gates at Club Moto and was dead last �� and still took second in th e four. lap moto." WHO' S YOUR BIGGEST RACING INSPIRATION? " Garrison Gr agg , because when we ride tog ether, it's fast and fun ! An d Rodn 8Y Smith , because th at 's wh ere I want t o be someday." WHO WOULD You MOST LIKE To BEAT? " Garrison Gr agg , my best friend , in cross country ��� and not because his bike broke ." WHAT Do You SEE IN YOUR RACING FUTURE? " I want to be one of the top riders in GNCC rac ing." W HOS E AUTOGRAPH WOULD You MOST LIKE To HAVE? Jason Greer rode flawlessly from holeshot to finish fo r a clean overall win at the Tidew a te r 100, round five of the Virginia Champion ship Ha re Scrambles Se ries . " I alr eady have Rodney's, so next would be Travis Pastran a." By Jill Ashworth Patterson CYCL E NEWS ��� JUNE 16,2004 63

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