Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

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made a split-se cond decision to att empt to ree nte r the track by jumping a 4-fo ot verti cal berm wall. It didn't work: He we nt down hard and didn't get up. His bike, on the other hand, stayed stuck on the berm wall, wa iting patien tly for its rider to remount and get back o n the t rack. Truchinski was o ut for the res t of the mot o and the res t of the day. Valdez e nded up first ove rall in the 125cc Expe rt class, w hile Truchinski ended up in X-ray with bruised ribs. The carnage didn't stop the re. Y amaha rider Errol Le duc suffered a medioc re sta rt a nd threaded his way through the compe tition, on ly t o fall in th e sa me t urn as Truc hins ki. Thi s a llowed the competit ion t o pass hi m by. Fortunately for Leduc, he didn't kill the motor and was able to re moun t and get on his way. First -t urn pile ups were t he norm fo r t he day, as group s of riders untangled th emselves a nd th e n p ro ce ed ed t o have kick sta rt ing parti e s . It lo o ked like t he ri de rs w ere comparing not es as to the difficulty of having to kickstart 20-year-old machines while in the heat o f battl e. On e such pileu p victim was Husky rider Ed Reyes: During his second moto, he fell in t he first t urn. O nce under wa y again . he proceeded to turn on the gas. passing riders on each lap. When the wh ite nag came out, he was in a good posit ion. but he attempte d to take on 125cc rider Brian McCo nnell. Into the turn they we nt . McCon ne ll up high o n th e berm and Re ye s on th e in si d e rig ht ne xt to hi m. McConnell bobbled for a moment in the turn . and Reyes went down again. Unfortunately for Reyes, this t ime he was unab le to re start his motor. The ove rall win ne r in t his mota was Maico rider Rick Doughty. RESULTS PRE�� 196 5 NOV: I. James Kohls (fri ). PRE-19 72 NOV: I. Jim Melo (BSA); 2. Mike Johnstone (BSA). PRE �� 1975 250: I . Craig Park inson (0 5$); 2. Gordon Gallick (Hon); 3. Greg Madrid (Han ); ��� . jim Moo (BSA); 5. J""" Doty (CZ) . PRE�� 191 5 500 NOV: I. Chris Moe lle r (Yam). PRE-1 975500 INT; I. Keilh PeuangOO (BSA); 2. Uoyd Boland(CZ); 3. Leon Roach (Mai). IR DRUM BRAKE NOV: I. Reese Hutch ins (Hus); 2. Erick Garv ey (H us): 3. leon Roach Jr. (Hon) . JR DISC BRAKE NOV: I . Brandon Pete rson (Yam); 2. Matt Garrett (Yam); 3. Mike Blunk (Hon );". Callen Grossett (Y am); 5. Max Doughty (Yam). EVa 125 NOV DRUM: I. Erick Garvey (Hus). EVO 125 INT: I. Brian McConnell (Suz); 2. Tom Barnett (Yam). EVa 125 EX DRUM: I. Gilbert Valdez (Suz); 2. Rich Truchinski (Suz). EVa 2 1:50 NOV: I . Michael Stiles (Hon ); 2. James Doyle (Mon): 3. Allan Gledhill (Yam); 4. Patrick Crask (Yam); 5. Jerry Reyes (Han) . EVO 2 2S0 INT; I . Do ug Reyes (Ho n). EVa 2 250 EX: I . Rick Doughty (Mai); 2. Grant Boere (Yam). EVa 2 500 NOV: I . Norman McElroy (Yam); 2. Chris Vaughn (Suz). EVa 2 500 INT: I. l end on Smit h (Yam); 2. Da rrell Sedig (Mai); 3. Jon Bar rick (Mai);���. Errol Leduc (Yam); 5. Ed Reyes (Hus). EVO 1 NOV; I . Ted Undewall (Hon); 2. Tom Tapscott (Yam). EVa 3 EX: I . Jay Pavlovic (Suz). LOS NOV: I . Sarah Troxel (Hon) . 30+ NOV: I. Dave Mock (Yam). 30+ IN T: I. Jon Barrick (Hon ); 2. Tim Undewall (Hon ); 3. Uoyd Boland (KTH). 30 + EX: I. Gilbert Valdez (Suz). 40 + NOV: I. Norman McElroy (Yam); 2. Dave Mock. (Yam); 3. James Doyle (Mon) ; .. . Michael Stiles (Hon) . 40 + INT: I . Ed Reyes (Hus); 2. Tom Barnett (Yam 3. ); Errol l ed uc (Yam); .. . Darrell Sed ig (Mai); S. lloyd Boland (KTH). 50 + NOV: I . Dave Moc k (Yam). 50 + INT: I . Uoyd Boland (KTM). 30 + VINT NOV: I . Greg Madrid (Hon) ; 2. Gordon G allick (Hon ). 3 0+ V INT INT: I . lloyd Boland (CZ). 40 + VINT NOV: I. Craig Parkinson (Oss ); 2. Mike Johnst one (BSA); 3. Jim Melo (BSA); 4 . Gordon Gallick (Hoo) . 40 + VINT INT; I. Uoyd Boland (CZ) ; 2. Jon Spe;ght (Bul). 50 + VINT NOV: I. James Kohls (fri) . 50 + VlNT INT: I. lloyd Boland (C Z) ; 2. l e o n Roac h Sr. (Ma i): 3 . Keit h Petrangelo (BSA). DECADE NOV: I . Jo hn legate (Ho n). DECADE IN T: I . Tim Undewall (Ho n) ; 2. Uoyd Bola nd (Yam). MORN NOV: I . Joh n Clinkinbeard (Yam); 2. Greg Mad rid (Yam); 3. Re je o n De sro ac he rs (Ho n); 4. Ant on io w Valdez (Y ; S. Jeremy Scutt (K.a ). MORN INT: I. Mike am) Garrett (Ho n); 2. Craig Peterson (Suz). MORN EX : I . Gilbert Valdez (Y am); 2. Grant Boere (Y am); 3. Eugen e Bcere (KTM). Texas MX Championship Round 3: Sa n Jacinto MX Park Pierce, V-Mac Vacuum Up the Victories By Doc Mmoy SPLENDORA, rx, MAY 16 e rno n " V~ M ac " McKidd ie a nd And rew Pie rce co llective ly won eight out of e ight motos for a total of fo ur ove rall wins. The duo fro m Huffman w ere o n th e ga s and tak ing nam e s at t he t hird rou nd of t he Texas MX Championship at San jacinto MX Park in Splendora. Texas. Mc Kidd ie got off t o a q uick st art in the 125cc Expe rt class, with fellow jM Racing ride r Jaso n Gaddis pushing him for the enti re mo ta . The two quickly separated the mselves from the pack, and t hey co nt inued to pull away all t he w ay to t he checkers. The seco nd mote w as more of the same. with Honda of Houston's VMac taking the ove rall. In the 2S0cc Expert class, V-Mac was once aga in in the le ad , followed closely by Kyle W illia m s a nd Gadd is. Williams had t he une nviable task of trying to reel in V-Mac while simu ltan eo us ly ho ld ing o ff a ha rd- c ha rging Gaddis. In the end . Williams was able to secure the secon d podium spot, behind McKi d ie. d Meanwhile, EBR Pierce was taking care of 's business by taking ove rall wins in the 5 Icc (7-8) and Supe r Mod ified Pe e Wee classes. Ste rling King (2�� 2) ke pt Pierc e honesL in the latter class, as both KTM pilots were the only ones able to do the double-double-double in the rhythm section, easily separating the mselves from the pack. In the 250cc Novice class. K's Motorsports ' [arr et Hughes (2�� 1) split moto w ins with Kent Hartn e r ( 1��2) to claim the top pod ium spot. Ryan Sullivan ( 1-2) claimed t he overall in the V 62 65cc Open class abo ard his Kawasaki, ahea d of Christian Bosada (2-3). In the Supe rmini class, Stubbs Cycle's Chase Spears (2- 1) held off a game Tyler Schovajsa for the ove rall. Spears was able to take the lead in the first mote, on ly to go dow n on the last lap, giving Schovajsa the moto w in. In t he se co nd moto , Spears too k the lead early and checked out, securi ng the overall. Bruce "The Fast and the Furious" Frey was the big winner in the supe rco mpet itive Ove r 40 Expe rt class, ahead of Dean Swanson and Todd Binns. How eve r. Binns red eemed himself in the Ove r 3S Expe rt class by virtue of a mote-two win, over a game Thomas Fichte r. In the second mote. Binns used th e first few laps to set up Fichter fo r t he pass a nd th e n powered his Hon d a four-st roke t o a ha rd- ea rned win . Despite his nickname - "Two Lap" - it was Binns w ho showe d stam ina in the final laps, pulling away for the moto win. Coll ins (Hon ); 2. Brand on Ballenger (KTM); 3. Ross Olfers (KTM). 125 Ex, I. Vemen Md Gdd ie (Han) ; 2. J=o G"ddi, (Yam). 125 OPEN: I. C hris Co llins (Hon); 2. J.T. Ficht e r (HOfl); 3. Just in Morse (Yam). 2 50 BEG : I . Mike Kilbourn (Hon ); 2. Antonio Hino josa (Yam); 3. Anthony Riskin (Yam). ); 2 S0 NOV; I. [arret Hughes (Yam); 2. Kent HMtner (Yam 3. Elliot Ely (Hon) . 1:50 INT: I. Stewart Stevens (Hon); 2. Chris Collins (Hon) ; 3. Josh Bertolacci (Kaw). 250 EX: I. Vernon McKiddie (Hon); 2. KyleWilliams (Yam) 3. Jason Gaddis(Yam ; ). 250 OPEN: I. Oris Collins (Hon) ; 2. Jonathan Amell (Yam); 3. Herman Teale (Hen ). 4 -STRK MINI : I. l)ier Youngbkx>d (Yam) ; 2. Kyle Swanson (Su z). 4 -ST R K AM : I . Ste wart Ste ve ns (Hen): 2. Shaun D aughe rty (Hon ); 3. John Steger (Yam). 4-5T1lK OPEN Ex, I . I", Matthew> (Han ). WMN OPEN 65��105: I. Daniela Perez (Kaw). WMN OPEN 99 + : I. Kayiey Bailey SCHBY: I. Adam Kirchner (Yam 2. Shaun . ); Daughe rty (Hen ): 3. Sean Morg en sen (Hon ). 25 + AM : I. Trev or Parks (Hon); 2. Donny Jackson (Yam); 3. Dale Clark (Yam 25+ EX: L Michael Peacock (Yam): 2. Chris Marek ). wdy FIamgan (Han) . 30 + AM ; I. T""", Parks (Yam); 3. Ro (Ho n) ; 2. Fred Moreno (Ho n); 3. Shawn H am pton (Hon) . 30 + EX: I. Michael Peacock (Yam); 2. Stoney Hom (Hon) ; 3. Thomas Ftchter (Hon). 35 + AM: I. Dan Schefller (Hon) ; 2. Dave Martin (Hon ); 3. Ronnie Lai d (Yam 35 + EX: I. Todd r ). Bil'VlS (Hon) ; 2. Thomas Fidlter (Hon); 3. Stoney Hom (Hon ). 40 + A: I . Bruce Frey (Hen) ; 2. Dean Swanson (Hon); 3. Todd Binns (Hon). 40 + B: I. Dan Scheffler (Hon ); 2. BubbaSpears (Han); 3. James Coppedge (Yam). Vernon McKiddie was on the gas at round three of the Texas MX Championships, sweeping both the 12Scc and 2S0cc Expert classes. U.S. Eastern Motocross Spring Series Round 9: Railing Hills Cycle Park Martin Rails at Reidsville By GREG SUMNER REIDSVILLE, NC, MAY 16 P romoters Boxsta r Sports LL recently too k C ove r the tra ck at Rollin Hills. Nearly 280 g riders came to compete and found the old track had a new loo k! The major face lift included a wide r tra ck, new fe ncing, and a cou ple of big obs tacles to separate the Pros from the Amate urs. bringing the track into the 2 1st century! Wh e n t he 2 50c c A r ide rs lef t t he gate, jarmin's/Re nLhal/ Pro ACLion /MXt ras .co m/LPsponsored Michael Martin pulled the holeshot, with Blake Hovis and Scotti e Shipley in purs uit. On the big uphill tr iple, it became a four-way battle , w it h Mart in, Hov is, Shipley and Ste ven C h ild re ss a ll w it hin t w o b ikel e ngths . T he Aud io mast e rs / Kic ke r/Tr ic k Moose / C ar Suspension/ Performance Honda-backed Hovis too k the lead. Approaching the Tunnel Double, a hu nke r of a jump (9S fee t wit h a le ft-hand arc h and a down hill landing). Hovis and Mart in were bar to bar. Childress passed Shipley for t hird on the app roach. C hildress co mmitted ; Shipley didn't ; Childress came up short and was catapult ed out of conte ntion. Ho nda of High Point/Answer/ Liquid Pe rformance/Total Control Suspension /Serious Raceware -b acke d Shipley qui c kly re c e ived pres su re fro m Tria ng le Cycle/Smith/-spo nso red eric Brown. After a four-lap battle, Brown moved past Shipley for t hird, also at t he Tunnel Double. Shipley then lo st the fo urt h po sitio n t he same w ay, as a charging Tim Hod ock jumped over his head and set out afte r Brow n. At t he uphill triple , th e Hond a of W insto n-Sa lem/Fast By Fran cis/Sco tt/Al pinesta rs-spon sore d Hodo ck passe d Brown fo r third. After seve n laps. the finishi ng o rd e r was Hovi s. Marti n, Hodoc k, Brown and Shipley. T hunde r. lightnin g and rain del ayed mot a two and se nt th e ride rs into a ne ar by te nt . where they agreed not to jump the Tunnel jump this time out. W he n the gate finally dropped, Hodock t ook the po int , followed by Martin , Ho vis . Ma r k Wagne r and Bro w n . In t he whoo ps. Martin to o k t he le ad . The n Hov is passed Hodock, and Bro wn passed Wagner for fourth . Th is set up a six-lap shootout among the front fo ur. At t he checke rs, it wa s Mar tin , Hovis. Hod oc k, Brow n and Wagner. The ove rall results showed Martin (2- 1) with the Victory , followed by Hovis (1-2), Hodock (3�� 3), Brown (4-4) and Lee (6��6 ). In t he O ve r 3S co ntes t , And re w s Motorsports/Yamaha rider Michael Andrews (2- 1) best ed Shiple y ( 1��2) for t he ove rall, but one must give Shipley cre dit: After jumping the big uphill triple, his front-brake caliper busted and fle w o ff w hile he was leading. Th e iro nman stoppe d and wrapped the caliper and brake line a roun d hi s left ar m and wen t o n t o finish second. De an Sarve r, Allen Alford and Chuck RESULTS S I JR (4-6 ); I. Jay Dearing (Cob) ; 2. Hunter Neal (KTM). S I SR (7"); I. And~ Pierce (KTM); 2. lac McB

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