Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FF"",...... ==~=~===~T"'_==~---------------------]ffi Jess e Kangas (Hon ); 2. Isaac T. Schreurs (Yam); 3. Charles - z Perkins (Kaw); 4. Jessub Pearson (Yam); S. Zachary Brostrom (Suz ). 125 A : I. Brett Ohland (Yam); 2. Jo e E. Mueller z (Hon ); 3. Brandon Parliment (Yam); 4. Je re my Schmidt (Hon). ��? 11 5 B: I. Man B. Wodtke (Suz); 2. Matt Feels (Kaw) ; 3. !:;: Travis C h ev a lie r (Kaw) ; 4. Brad Perron (Yam); S. Justin :5 McKinley (Yam). ' 125 C: I. Jaco b Cou lson (Yam); 2. Beau ~ Lammers (Kaw); 3. James Carsten (Yam); 4. Michael Abresch ~ (Hen ). l SD P EN A: I. Brett Ohland (Yam); 2. Jeff Doyle /O o (Hon ); 3. Brandon Parliment (Yam); 4. jason Doyle (Hon); 5. Jed O 'C onnor (Ha n). lSD/OPEN B: I . Matt B. Wod tke :I: (Y ; 2. Evan Nett:zel (Ha n); 3. Tim Schu lz (Hon); 4. Aaron am) Q.. Deer (KTM); 5 . Trent S. Sims (Ha n) . 250/0 P EN C : I . Steven Hanks (Yam); 2. Jay Slattery (Hon) ; 3. Blake Jablonski am); S. Joh n Reinhart (Ho n). (Yam); 4. David 1- Hah eee r (Y WHN: I. Kristen Oja (Yam); 2. Alyssa Breu (Hon) ; 3. Jessica H""en (y",,); 4. Amanda w.Jd (Kaw ). SCHBY ( 12-15 ); I. Matt B. Wod tk e (Yam) ; 2. Jess e Kangas (Han); 3. Travis Chevalier (Kaw ); 4. Nick Oja (Yam); S. Zachary Sou cek (y",,). 16-24 k I. Jeff Doyle (Hon ); 2. Joe E. Muel1e< (Hon ); J . J""'" Doyle (Hon ); 4. Bobby Penders (Hon). 16-24 B; I. ; EvanNeittel (Hon) ; 2. Matt Foek (Kaw) J. A.ron 0.... (KT1'1); 4. T_ 5. 5ims (Hon); 5. Elm). 40 + C; I. John Sunderman (Yam) ; 2. De rrick E. Boaz (Ha n); 3 . Je ffrey Schreurs (Kaw); 4. Mike S. Carpenter (Kaw); 5. Dan KMg (Y>m). 45+ k I. RandySaeger (y",,); 2. Jonathan A Hodapp (Han); 3. Dave Henci r (Han) . 4 5+ WC: I. Jerry Dmon (Y>m); 2. Rebert B"", (I:'on). Ja so n leleck (399) leads the GTU Novices through the esses during a heat race at round two of MRA action at Pikes Peak International Raceway. 3. Justin Meye r; 4. Crash Lowe; S. Pedro Bravo. H/W S/B K: I. Martin Sims; 2. Mike Appleg ate; 3. Jaso n Mathiason ; 4. David Lambert; 5. Michael Vigil. OPEN S/BK : I. Shane Turpin: 2. Dan Turn e r; 3. Ryan Burke : 4. Ricky O rlando ; 5. Todd Costly. S(TW GTU : I. Mike De witt ; 2. Dale Murph y; 3. Ted Larsen ; 4. Jeff Bernard; 5. Scon Turner. srrw GTO: I. Jon Glaefke ; 2. Jim Brewer; 3. Michael Pettifor d; 4. Ben Fo x; S. Jas on Kingh a m . F ~3 : I . John Hj elm; 2 . Jim Marchban k; 3. Robert Johnston: 4. Da ve Tippie; 5. Don Roberts. lJW GP: I . Mike Dewi tt ; 2. Waldo Paul; 3. Dan Qua!tire ; 4. Robert Joh nston ; S. Ch uck ShettsJine. ROR: I. Shan e Turpin ; 2. Rick y Orland o ; 3 . Dan Turn er: 4. Rich Deeming; 5. Todd Cosrle y. Motokazie Elko -Mankato Dea ler Se rie s Championships Round 2: Ka to Cycle Club Wodtke Triples at Mankato Motocross By BOB CHASE MANKATO, MN, MAY 16 he Kato Cycle Club was the site of the second ro und of the Motokazie Dealer Series. It was the first race of the year at the track , and Matt Wodtke proved to be up to the challenge of the hilly circuit, winning three very competitive classes : the 125cc B, 250cc B and Schoo lboy classes. The fa cili ty is located in the scenic Minnesot a Ri e r Valley approximately one hour v , southwest of Minneapolis. The track is on the same pro perty that has hosted many nationallevel hillclimb eve nts . An abundance of steep hills are utilized on the track. For those who have forgott e n how much fun riding a dirt bike up and down hills can be, riding this track will definitely remind them. Wodt ke wo n all six motos in which he raced and was th e o nly ride r to win th re e classes. O ne rid e r wh o won two classes was Jesse Kangas, w ho dominate d the Supermini and 85cc ( 12- 15) classes. Kangas mo ved into the lead early in the first Supermini moto and too k off. Andrew Rutledge held seco nd for most of the race , w hile Isaac Schreu rs won his battle wit h Charle s Per kins for th ird . Kangas grab bed t he holeshot in the secon d mo to and gapped the field, pulling away by nearly 30 seconds by the e nd of the four-lap race . Schreurs and Perkins we re second and th ird in the race and overall. This is the second year that Motokazie has run the races at this track, and it continues to make improvements. Ne w fo r th is yea r is a separate "micro " track. The normal t rack is so hill that t he 50s were limited to a rathe r small y portion of it; now they have their own tra ck, with proport ionally sized o bstacles. Running the 50s on their own track also helped the big-track T 60 program move along more quickfy . O nce the kids advance to 65s, they get to ride t he regular trac k. Wi th t he tacky conditions, the 65s ran all the hills, just like the big bikes. Dustin Wolff won both motos of the 65cc ( 10- 1I) class . Zach Osowski pressured him for a while in the secon d mot o on his way to third overall on a 5-2 tally Austin Falkman . (3-3) rod e two steady races for second overall. In the 65cc (7-9) class, Kyle Ohnsorg and Dylan Wolff finished first and second in bot h metes, passing several of the 65cc ( 10-1 I) riders along the way. Regardless of where they finished, it seemed like most of t he ride rs were smiling when they pulled off the track . Scott USA. Hitc hing Post, Cities Edge, l eo's So uth, Mot o p r imo a nd C a nn o n Fall s HYS provide support for this series . Three hundred ride rs signe d up for t his race . Othe r dou ble winners on the day included Brett Ohland, who rode a pair of YZ250s to the I25cc A and 250cc A wins; Alvis Novotn y, who won Over 30 B and Over 40 B cont est; and Jamie Elder, who wo n the 8Scc (7- 11) and 85cc (9- 12) classes. RESULTS 50 Oll.INJ (4.6): I. Matt Tupy (KTM); 2. De rrek Vanhee (KTM); 3. Nicholas Haut (KTM); 4. Jacque line Riess (KT M); 5 . ja red Tanley. 50 O l l~ I NJ (7~8 ) : I. Mad iso n Falkman (KTM); 2. josh Andeo=n (y",,). 50 CHAIN (4-6), I. Ronald Dec ke r (KTM) ; 2. Just in Evan s (KTM); 3. Nick 5chnagl (KTM); 4. _ _ (Pol); 5. Jo hn Neumann (Co b). 50 CHAIN (7 ~8) : I. Matthew Huinke r (KTM); 2. BillyBeranek (Pol); 3. Mitchell Tanley (KTM); 4. Brett Nowak (KTM). 65 (7-9 ); I. Kyle Ohnsorg (KTM); 2. DyI", Wolff (KTM); 3. Travis Stewart (Suz); 4. Dane Rosenwinkel (KTM); 5. Dylan Brostrom (KTM) . 65 ( 1 0~ 1 1 ): I. Dust in Wolff (KiM); 2. Austin Falkman (KiM); 3. Zack Osowski (KiM); 4. Kyl Chevalier (Kaw); 5. Jeremy Juliet (Kaw). 85 (l.II): I. e Jamie R. Elder (Kaw); 2. Nate Stier (Kaw); 3. Dau lton Lamont (Kaw); 4. Justin Regenscheid (Hon ); 5. Devin Ruprecht (Han). 85 (9 -11) : I. Jamie R. Elder (Kaw); 2. Taylor Kotewa (Yam); 3. Colli n R. Cassem (Hen) : 4. Nat e Stier (Kaw); S. Just in Regenscheid (Hon). 85 (ll~ 15) : I. Jesse Kangas (Hon) ; 2. Taylor Kotewa (Yam); 3. Isaac T. Schreurs (Yam); 4. C harles Perkins (Yam); S. Jess ub Pearson (Yam). SlHIN I (12- 15): I. JUNE 16,2004 ��� CYCLE NEWS The Over 30 C class launches oH the line for their second moto at round two of the Motokazie Elko-Mankato Dealer Series Championships. CMC Northwest Spring / Summe r Series Round 7: Albany MOlorsports Park Hill, Hamness Clashl By CLAY LIGHT ALBANY, OR, MAY 16 f there were any doubters as to just how fast Washingto n's Josh Hill is, they were surely silenced afte r ro und seve n of t he CMC Spring/Summer Motocross Series, held at Albany Motorsports Parle The 14-year-old Hill and thirt yso me thi ng-ye ar-o ld Te r ry Le e Ha m nes s clashed in the combined 250cc ProIlnte rmediate contest, and the outcome was in favor of Hill. Ha mn ess , a vete ran AMA N at io nal and Supercr oss rider, is currently one of the hott est Pr o r iders in the North w est. He nor mally challe nges the likes of Ryan Huffman, but on this day the O regonian had his hands full with t he up-and- co ming Hill. The fast-st artin g Hill got in front of Hamness' Honda CRF450R in both 2SOc Pro/Inte rmed iate mot os, and when c the dust had se ttled, he had beaten Hamness both times out . Hamn ess was n't th e o nly Pro rider to eat Hill's roost. Trevor Broo ks and Sean Sparkman also followed Hill a nd Ham ness th rough ou t both mo tos . Hill's fello w Inte rm edi ate-class compe titors could only watch from a distance as Hill easily topped his class mates . KTMmount ed central Oregonian Daniel Harris (2-3) plac ed se con d to Hill, fo llow ed by Gar ret Melton (4-2). The rider from Portland, Or egon, was much I 40t h A nn iver sa r y more fortu nate in t he Over 30 Pro class : Hamness got a jump on the field in both motes and used a I- I tally to take home the top money, as well as get in some additional track time for t he u pcoming AMA Weste r n Fo ur-St rok e National to be held here. Rod Tryon (3-2) and Dave Germ ain (2-3) trailed Hamness overall. Hill gapp ed t he competit ion in t he 125 cc Pro/Interm ediate con test, winning bot h moto s to finalize his dual w ins on the day. Broo ks trailed Hill in the first moto en rou te to winning the Pro portion , but the Yamaha rider wasn't as fortu nate in mot o two: Brooks wou ld follow a pair of Inte rmed iate rider s at mote 's end. as Matt Wilson finished second. While Broo ks did capture th e Pro-class win, Aaron McClinto n, t he fou rt h-place finisher, too k hom e t he top tr ophy in one of the day's largest classes, t he I25cc Junior class. McClinton used 2- 1 placings to nail down the to p position, bea ting Kenneth Hammon tree in a moto -two shoo tout , which was also for th e ove rall win. Heath Voegele's co nsistent 3-3 placings earned the Washington rider th ird ov erall, followed by Kyle Taylo r (5-4), Chr is Whitlow (4-8) and the rest of the 17-ride r field. Oregon's Shawn Haberloc k has for several years been co nside red a top co ntender in the Supe rm ini ranks. Cu rrentl y o n the comeback trail afte r suffering a career-threatening injury

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