Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Contents of this Issue


Page 58 of 97

Scott Jendro (Hon) ; 5. Kody Schantzen (Yam). 25 + : I. John A Kidd Jr. (Hon) ; 2. Jason Flet cher [Hen]; 3. Donald Baker (Hon ); 4. Scott Kirkpatrick (Hon ); 5. Erik Saldana ( Kaw). 30 + : I. Jo hn E. Gr ewe (Han); 2. Do nald Baker (Ha n); 3. Jaso n Fletcher (Hon ); 4. Scott Kirkpatrick (Han); 5. Tod d Flickinge r (Hon ). 35 + : I. Scott Kirkpatrick (Han); 2. Tod d Flickinge r (Ho n); 3. Matth ew W. Kiser (Han ): 4. Bart Newman (Ha n); S. Mar k Laughlin (Suz) . 40 +: I. l arry Wi tm e r (Suz); 2. Mar k He the rington (Hon); 3. Alan Atkin son (Yam) . 4 5+ : I. Steven Yoder (!

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