Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

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Maxxls TlresNP Racing Fuels Western Four-Stroke Nationals Round 6 : Owyhee Motorcycle Club PHOTOS BV AARON NEAL Bess Best in Boise By AARON NEAL BOISE, ID, MAY 29��30 T he Maxxis TiresNP Racing Fuels Western Four-Stroke Nationals once again made a stop in Boise, Idaho. The pre vious week's winner, Mike Corder, was hoping to have better luck in Boise th is year. The year before, a bad get-off on OMC's huge sand downhill knocked him sillyand ruined his chances at a podium finish. Jason McCormick was fast last yea r in Boise, but a gnarly wreck the week before may have spoiled a return trip to the podium . Local riders Robb Floth and Kyle Kubitschek were hoping to show the series regulars that Idaho natives would be a force to be reckoned w ith. In Saturday's 2S0F class, Shane Bess showed the crowd what to expect on Sunday by waxing the rest of the field. In moto on e, former minicycle star Justin Keeney got the holeshot, with Floth close behind . Bess was back in the pack a way, but he was a man possessed , flying down the sand downhills with total disregard for his own safety. Bess eventually checked out, Keeney held on to second, and Floth held off all the rest to take third. The seco nd moto was mor e of the same , w ith Keeney ta king the holeshot and Floth holding second for several laps until Bess once again passed everyone else and checked out for the win. Keeney and Floth held second and third , resp ectively. The Premier class was deja vu for Bess. In the first moto, Corder pulled a huge holeshot , but he only led for a short while before Bess came from a few spots back to take the lead. Before the end of the first lap, Bess w as in control and on his way to the win. Meanwhile, back in the pack, Dustin Ne lson and Co rder began a battle that would span two motos; the two were swapping plastic while battling for second place until the ultragnarly sand downhill swallowed up Corder once again. Corder dug several occ asions th ro ughout t he two -hou r event, but on the final lap he became hopelessly hung up on one of t he many slick hills along the 9-mile co urse while try ing to take the lead from fellow Team Green ride r Caleb Wohletz, who would finish fourth. Wo hletz spent a la rge p o r t ion of th e e ve nt as t he lead er of th e more -than-200ride r field , but he got stuc k just a few feet ea rlier than Nes bitt on the final lap, and bo th ride rs used massive amo unts of ene rgy t rying to ge t going, This allowed Shaw to ta ke the lead and Leivan to close the gap. In t he final few miles, Leivan wa s able to pass both of the ea rly leaders. Ro un di ng out the t o p five in his first app earance of 2004 was C hris Thiele, o n his J&W Cycles Yamaha. RESULTS O /A : I. Aaron Shaw (Yam); 2. St eve le~ (Y am); 3. Chris Nesbitt (Kaw); 4. Cale b Wah len (Kaw); S. Chris Thiele ); (Y am); 6. Doug Stone (Hon); 1. Brandon Forrester- (Yam 8. Lars Valin (Hon); 9. Tracy Bauman (KTM); 10. Leigh Letellier am); 2. Chris Nes bitt (Kaw); (KIM). AA: I. Steve Leiv3n (Y l . Ca leb Wahlen (Kaw) ; 4. Chris Thiele (Yam); 5. Do ug 52 himself out, eventu ally managing to muster an I Ith-place finish. Nelson, however, cruised to an easy sec ond-place finish. with Kubitschek sco ring third in his fint Pro moto. Spud Walters looked strong and worked his way though the pack to finish fourth , while Oregon's Greg Crater rode to a solid fifth. When the second moto started. the race for first was over before th e first turn. Bess pulled a huge holeshot and was not seen again by the rest of the field. Nel son and Corder wasted no time getting back into their battle: The two went back and forth for the whole moto, w ith Corder making a pass in the last few turns to take second away from Nelson. Leighton Ullie clawed his way up to the front and finished the day with fourth, while Crater once again put in a solid ride to score fifth. The other notable battle was for sixth , between Kubitschek and Floth. Kubitschek dumped it in a corner in the final laps of t he race and dropped to 10th. eN OwYHEE M OTORCYCLE CLUB B O ISE, IDAHO R ESULTS: MAy 29��30, 2004 ( ROUND 6) PREM: I. Shane Bess(Hon): 2. Dustin Nelson (Yam); 3. l eighton Ullie (Hon) ; 4. Mike Corder (Hon); S. Greg Crater (Ho n); 6. Kyle Kubitschek (Yam); 7. Robb Floth (Yam); 8. Jere mias Fernandez (Hon ); 9. Ty Carson (Hon) ; 10. Jason McConnick (KTM): II . Spud Walters (Hon); 12. Cameron Wea~er (Ya m) ; 13. De re k Mahon e y (Ho n); 14. Chaun McAlister (KTM); IS. Terry Ham ness Jr. (Hon); 16. Aaron Hill (Yam 17. Don Bisceglia (Hon); 18. Matt Karlsen (Yam ); ): 19. BeauJudge (Hon); 20. Donnie Durrier (Hon); 21. Beau Baron (Y am) ; 22. "[re ve r Brooks (Yam); 23 . Tr.lvts Murphy (Hon) ; H . Shane Smn h (Hon ); 2S. Cory C hnstiarnen (5oz); 26. Josh Mason (Hon); 27. Devin Watson (Yam); 28. Kyle Ph en ix (H en) : 29 . Pat r ic k Wad e (Hon); 30 . lindsa y Wad sworth (Yam); 3 1. Co dy Wilson (Ya m) ; 32 . Ca le b C halmers (Hon); 33 . Bryan Schr itte r; 34 . Matt Mebane (Hon); 3S. Robert Bartholomew (Hon); 36. Augustus Walker (Suz): 37. Mike Ham nesa (Hon) ; 38 . Justin Keeney (Kaw); 39. Jason Holloway (Yam 40 . Just in Myers (Hon). 250F ); PRO: I. Shane Bess (Hon); 2. Justin Keeney (Kaw); 3. Robb Floth (Suz); 4. Matt Karlsen (Hon); 5. Trevor Brooks (Yam ); 6. Pat McMullen (Yam 1. Aaron Hill(Yam) 8. Don Bisceglia ); ; (Hon); 9. Shane Sm.h (Hon); 10. Devin w"tson (Yam); I I. I<)ie Phenix (Hon); 12. Undsay Wadsworth (Yam) 13. Cory ; Ch rist ianse n (Suz); 14. Michael Fargher (Ho n); IS. Jason Stone (Hon). A IN T: I. Gary We therell (Kaw) ; 2. Kevin 80yIe (Y om); 3. John Stn>ckhoff (Kaw); -I. Kev;n Borts (Suz); 5. Ralph Gerding (Y . A SPTSM N: I. Gary Min elbe rg am) (Yam); 2. Slade Morlang (Hus); 3. Todd Corwin (KTM); 4. Matt Weis ( KTM); 5. John Stichnoth (KTM). 20 0 8: I. 8r.mdoo v.ughn (KTM); 2. BenAIexande< (KTM); 3. Ardy La Plante (KTM): 4. Greg Sigwing (KTM ); 5. David Von Hoken w); (KTM). 250 B: I. David Brewster (!n Co llier (51 ); 13. (TIE) T im We igand/Rory Sullivan/Spu d Wa lters/ Greg Crater (55) ; 11. (TIE) Beau Judge /C hris GosseIaar (5 I); 19. (TIE) Mike A!essi ( I win )lAaron Hill(SO). 25 0F PRO: I. Shane Bess ( 166/1 win ); 2. Matt Karlsen (154); 3. Pat McM ulle n ( 108): 4 . Shane Smith (92): 5. Brandon Morgan (9 1 win); 6. Tim Weigand (85); 1. Justin 11 Keeney (EH); 8. Gem. Ordelman (8 1): 9 . Se", Coilie- (74); 10. Don Bisceglia(65); II . Mike Corder (57); 12. (TlE) Mike Alessi (5011 w in)/Mike Brown (5011 w in)fThomas Hahn (SOIl win ); IS. Devin Watson (48); 16. Ryan Huffman (4511 win) ; 11 . C hri s Gosselaar (4 4) ; 18. (TIE) Rus ty HollaOOlGavin Gracyk (42); 20. Ttger lacey (4 1). Texas Cross Co untry Ra cing Assoc ia tio n Series Round 6: Stone Creek Ran ch Joiner Wins by T KO By MIKE SULLIVAN BEUS, IX, MAY 9 D acing often comes down to good breaks f'a nd bad breaks. Fo r C lay Hoe nshe ll, 12t ime and curren t Texas Cross Co unt ry Racing Association champio n, t he breaks co uldn't get much worse this yea r. After suffering a DN F due to a mec hanical problem at rou nd two, the Team Green/Granbury Motorsports rider suffered yet another major set back in his quest for championshi p number 13 at round six of t he Moose RacingUSA-TCC RAser ies. After battling Okla ho ma young gun To ny Joiner bar to bar and exchanging the lead back and fort h severa l t imes during an exciting fourlap event that too k just an hour and 50 minutes for the two riders to complete, Hoe nshell took the checkered nag - only to learn he had bee n disqualified due to an electronic-scoring issue. "Obviously, I don' t agree with the decision, 40t h An niversa r y but I'm not abo ut to quit over it," said Hoenshell. "This is too important to me and my famity." Hoens hell said he still has a shot at his 13th TCCRA championship if he can manage to win all the remaining events. "If I win all the rest , and Mark Weeks takes second at all the rest, he' ll have six points on me at the end of the season. I can work w ith that if I don't get any more bad brea ks." Ross Whitt ing, president of the TCCM. said he empat hize d w it h Ho enshell but that "w e have to be very ca re ful t o make sure we enforce the r ules fo r ev eryo ne . Clay is o bviously a ve ry special TCCRA membe r, and that made th is call all the more difficult." It also left the door wide open for Joine r to claim vict ory in his only TCeRA race thi s seaso n. The Moose Racing USA-sponso red Yama ha rider finished roughly fo ur minutes ahead of second-place finisher Robert Lambe rt and th ird-place finisher Weeks.

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