Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

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Ame rican Cancer Societ y Relay Fo r Life Fundraiser Race Distr ict 6 Po ints Race Hurricane Hills Sports Center Calamita, Kuzbyt Hammer Hurricane Hills By JIM P. SANDERSON CLIFFORD, PA, MAY 15 ust under 250 riders came out to the Hurri cane Hills Sports Cente r to he lp out a very worthy cause , the fou rt h annual Ame rican Cancer Society Relay For Life, w hich raises thousands of do llars annually fo r ca ncer research, education and patient services. A specia l 30-minute mote for big bikes and a 20-minute moto fo r minis were run following all the regu lar classes, with all proceeds going to he lp the fight to cure cancer. Dylan Braykovich led the pack out of the first turn in the first 85c c ( 10-1 I) moto, with Jo nath an McDermott, Frank l e tt ie ri, To ny Peregrin Jr. and Jimmy Doolitt le tra iling. After J two laps, Braykovich remained at the po int, but Lettieri had passed McDermott for second. Sal Ca lami ta held fourth, and Doo litt le was fifth. Near the end of lap two, Calamita passed McDermott for third . Pe regrin and Doolittl e battled back and forth for fifth. Braykovich had a whopping 13-second lead by lap thre e but th en dropped out of the top five . Lettieri inherited the le ad , with Calamita second, McDermott th ird, Pere gri n fo ur t h and Doolittle fifth, and that order remained unchanged to the checkers. Braykovich led the pack out of the first tum in the final mo t o , fo llo w ed by C al a m it a , McDermott, Lettieri and Pe regr in. Just after the start of lap two, Calamita closed the gap on PHO TO BY J IM P. SANDERSO N Marcus Hodge (66X) nailed the haleshot and went wire to wire for the second-mota win in the 85�� (12-13) divis ion at the fourth annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life race in Clifford, Pennsylvania. Participants of Chris Cumbo's fourth annual Rolling Rock Supercrass Event gather around a Handa CRF4S0R (awned by Over The Hill Gang president Jim Holman) an the first tee of the of the Lake Lindero Country Club in Agoura Hills, California. 46 JUNE 16,2004 ��� CYCLE NEWS 8 raykovich and made the pass for the lead. Beh ind the leaders, Lett ie ri passed McDermott to claim third . Pe regrin and Doo little swapped positions a few times before Pe reg rin finallygot by fo r good. Le tt ie r i closed th e gap on Braykovich and made the pass for the ru nne rup position on lap four. Calamia held o n to get the win, with Lett ie ri, Braykovich, McDe rm ott and Peregrin trai ling. Calamita top pe d the 85ce (10-1 I) podium with his 2-1 tally. Lettieri (1-2) took runner-up , and McDermott (3-4) closed out the to p three. Marcus Hodge led the pack at the start of the first 85cc ( 12- 1l ) moto, followed by Zach Rudy, Austin Kozirnor and Seth Rarick. O n lap two, Hod ge still he ld t he lead, but Kozimor moved from fourth to second, re legating Rudy to thir d and Rarick to fourth . Jesse Kuzbyt was fifth. Hod ge experienced bike problems and dropped out o f sight be fo re th e en d of lap two, which put Kozimor ou t fron t , Raric k second , Kuz byt th ird a nd Rud y fo u r t h . Kozimor he ld the po int to the checkers and got t he win wi th a fo u r-se cond advantage. Rounding o ut the to p five were Kuzbyt, Rarick, Rudy and Mike Lacerenza. Hodge led the start of the final moto, and this time he went wire to w ire fo r the win . Trailing Hodge off the start were Rudy, Rarick and Kuzbyt. Hodge quickly separated himself from t he rest o f the pack and had a five se co nd adva ntage by t he end o f lap two . Hodge got the win , ahead of Kuzbyt , Rud y, Rarick and Lacerenza. Suzuki mini pilot Kuzbyt stood atop t he 8Scc ( 12-13) podi um after his consistent 2��2 rides. Rar ick (3- 3) earned runner-up, and Hodge's 7-1 score was good enough to take the remaining tier of the podium. eN HURRICANE HILlS SPORTS CENTER CUF FORD, PENNSYLVANIA RESULTS: MAy 15, 2004 50 P/W, I. Deanna Him (KTM): 2. Ryan Burn (Yam): tee and threatened to take a parade lap around the co urse be fore t he go lf portion of the day got under way. "I drive by golf courses all the time and think of what it wou ld be like to tear up a freshly groomed co urse ," Holman told the crowd. "I couldn 't resist bringing my bike o ut o nto the course for the event." T he day started ea rly, wit h tenn is singles matches. The players played to win, trying to advan ce on to the ne xt court. (Th is helped gro up the players by their appropriate skill levels.) W ith the most w ins over three hours, Chris Street was crowned the tennis champ of the day in the Expe rt division. "The people at Rolling Rock and Chris Cu mbo definitely need a pat on the back for organ izing and sponsoring this event ," Street said. Valerie Fitzharris too k top honors in the Intermed iate tennis division, and Morrow Fleet kept his bike parked for the day and took top honors in the Novice class. This year, a swimming race was added. The Campa Swimming Club helped organize a twolap swim race . Each swimmer swam a so lo race 40th Anniversary . 3. Seth Dolan (Yam) 50 (4-6), I. Bethany Rohf (Cob): 2. lincoln Brook ens (KTM); 3. Do m inick Rinaldi (KTN); 4. Corey Mon (Y am) . 50 (7 .8): I. Rowland Pap p (Pol); 2. Keith Mulvaney (KT1'1); 3. AJexande< Potte r (KTM): 4. logan Ehrets (Co b): 5. Takoda Sm.h (KTM). 6 5 (7- 9) , I. Nd De side rio (Suz); 2. Rowland Papp (KTM); 3. AJ . Krueger (Kaw) : 4. Sean Ballard (KTM): 5. K"';n Him jr, (Kaw) . 6 5 ( 10. 1 1), I. F""'" Lettieri (Suz): 2. Dylan S"''''ovKh (KTM): 3. Kyie Bitt erman (Suz); 4. Damon RurTWTlel (Kaw); 5. Ethan Fick (Co b). 85 (7-9): I. N ick Desiderio (5oz); 2. Kevin Him I'. (Kaw) . 85 ( 10. 11) , I. Sal Calami. . (KTM): 2. F=k Lettieri (Suz ); 3. Jonathan McDermon (KTM); 4 . Ant hony Pecegrinl'. (S.,,): S. jame< Doolittle (su.). 85 (9 - 13), I. Sal Cala mita (Hon); 2. Ca rl Ja ke Eddy (Kaw) ; 3. Jonathan McDennott (KTM): 4. Anthony Peen (Hon), 2. Bob Eieh lin (Ho n); 3. D arryl Sm ith (Ho n) ; 4 . Kevin H icks Sr. (Yam); S. Gene N ighman (Kaw) . 40 + AM : I. John lApusnak (Yam) 2. lim Sandenon (Su.): 3. G' egg 8ouchan;I (Hon ): 4. : )""'Ph 8ol1..-d (Kaw): S. Mack Zopp (Kaw). 40+ EX: I. Bo b Eich lin (Hon); 2. Ge ne Nighman (!

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