Cycle News

Cycle News 2004 Issue 23 Jun 16

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Round 3 OFF-ROAD ~ A MA District 37 Enduro S er ies les Geo ffrey Bro w neD(KTM). 0 ��200 B: I . lOny Santero (KTM). "is Blais dominates VCMC Qualifter By KANDY THORNTON PHOTOS BY JOHN JACOBS very year AMA Distr ict 37 riders look forward to the Ventura Co unty MC Qua lifie r because it's a break from the normal timekeeping enduros. The course is always fun and challenging. and th is year 's didn 't d isappoint. The course featured 75 miles of varied terrain and five special tests. With the growing environmental concerns and the amount of playriders increas ing each year, the Ventura County MC is presented with the daunt ing task of overcoming various obstacles before the event is held. Th is year was no different . as the club had to dea l with obtaining a waiver to allow redst ickered bikes to compete and a last minute course alteration when they were informed that the motocross track would be unavailab le . as well as the daunting task of kee ping playriders off the course in a 5tate Recreationa l Veh icle Area. Despite these challenges , Ventura Coun ty MC provided a great day of racing for the participants. For enduros it is important to have a st rategy going into the event. And top overall finisher Mid Cities Honda-backed Chris Blais made sure he had his race strategy in place before arriving Sunday morn ing. "My who le goal today was to not fall down in any of the specials," Bl is said. a "Any one mistake can cost you the race . You can be slower than the top fast guys E in a qualifier, but if a fast guy falls down, you come out even because every second counts." Blais swapped out his usual race bike . a Honda XR650 . for a Honda CRF450 , and altho ugh he found the 450 to be a better advantage in the woods sect io n, he missed the smoother power the 650 offers on the open trails. Blais was also the first place Four-Stroke A finisher. and he had an impressive 220 lower point total than Luke Dodson . who was the second place overall finisher. District 37 regulars Dodso n and Jason Trubey finished second and third overall respectively with only nine points separating them. As is the case at many Distr ict 37 events. this event became a family affairas three sets of siblings finished in the top seven overall positions. One of the most notable famil ies: the Blais brothers. There was Chris Blais, who took the overall, and his yo unger brother, Nick. who finished fifth ove rall and third in the Four-Stroke A division. The Trubey brot hers did well also. Jason Trubey took third overa ll, and his older brother, Dal Trubey. too k seventh overall and claimed top hono rs in the Vet Open A class. Zach Dodson , brot her of seco nd place overall finisher Luke. finished sixth overall and fi rst in the 0-200cc A division on his Barsto w Moto rcycle Cent erl Moose-sponsored RM 125. The Dodsons live close to the Hungry Valley SVRA and ride there on a regular basis. "I have been riding the wo ods section since I was a little kid," Zach said. "I love that sect ion! I had a blast riding with Elmer Symons on my minute . He would Luke Dodson k e p t Blais honest all d a y very respectable secand overa ll. leave first for the special te st and clear the playriders off the trail. and I wo uld have a clear shot ." While Symons' trailblazing actio ns did hinder his perfo rmance a little, he still rode away with the fourth overall position and second place in the 250cc A class on his Malcolm Smith Motorsports KTM . "I don't know how VCMC can prevent playriders from getting on their course: ' Symons said. "But Ispent a lot of time stopping riders going the wrong way on the course and explaining that they were on a compet ition course and it was dangerous. Most of the playriders were polite and pulled off to the side 50 we could pass." Eighteen-year-old Bryan Norma n was the top overa ll B fin isher. and he cred ited his grea t fi nish to the fact that no timekee ping was involved with this event. "I really prefer the qualifier format without all the timekeeping eleme nts," No rman said. eN HUNG RY VAW Y S V RA GoRMAN , CAUfORNIA RESULTS: MAy 16, 2004 (ROUND 3) O /A: I. Chris Blais (Hon): 2. luke Dod>on (Suz) ; J. Jason Trubey (Y;un); 4. Elme< Symons (KTH ); 5 . N icholas Blai (Hon) . s O PE N A: I. Bob Roberts (Y;un); 2. Kult Hintz (Y;un); 3. Mike Baskin (KTM); -4. Mar k Babcoc k (Hon); S. Brett Tacke tt (KTM) . OPEN B: I. Kelty C hristensen (Hon); 2. Eric Elliot (GG) ; J. Richie Wohle" (Hon) . O PEN C : I . Eric Be hrsa (KTM); 2. Keith C hristensen (KTH); J. Pet ... Grote (Hon) ; 4. Ch ris Y""y (KTH) ; 5. Don HowMd (Hon) . 4 -STRK A : I. C hm Blais (Hon); 2. )ason Trubey (Yam) ; 3. N ichobs Blai (Hon); -4 . Bren t Farrell (Hus) ; S. Travis s LM too (KTH). 'f-STRK B: I. Bryan Nonnan (Hon); 2. Scott lynch (Hon); J. Brian C Wl< (KTH) : 4. Brian Hemtt (Y;un); 5 . 80. Gibn (Yam ). 4�� STRK C: I. Kyle Weav er (KTM); 2. Curtis C hristensen (KTM) ; 3. I(jrk Johnson (Hon); -4. Greg Robenson(Y;un); 5 . Todd 5""",, (KTH) . 4��ST RK 0 : I. Mike Schiada (Han); 2. Ryan Shaw (Hoo ); J. _ U/y (Kaw). 2S0 A: I . l uke Dodson (Suz); 2. Elmer Symons (KTH); . 3. Craig Hoffman (Yvn); -4 Mike Caudillo (Yam); S. Rodney Goehnng (Hon). 2S0 B: I. Bnd Price (Y;un). 2S0 C: I. i<>mlK (Kaw) ; J . Estevan Kinney (Kaw); 4. Kris Henninger (Yam). 0-200 D: I. G...y Hughey (KTH); 2. Collin 8empbell (KTH ); 4. Eve re tt Angle (KTH ): 5 . Barry Van Pcssan (KTM). S R O PE N C : I. Geroge Varn er (Hon ); 2. Phil Brilhnge r (Hon) ; 3. James Mathis (Yam); 4. 1Y Schen d ler (Hon); S. Tom Aldrich (Hon) . S R OP EN 0 : I. Brian Brown (Yam); 2. Robert Hinsch (KTH) ; J . Marl< Erfurt (KTH) ; 4. Czarlos Urd az (Hon ); S. Guy COli (KTM). S R 250 A: I. Kevin Hasten (Yam); 2. DavKt Graham (Y;un); J. Hike Price (y;un ): 4. Marl< Raiche (Y;un); S. Ron Lawsco (Hus) . S R 250 B: I. Paul Vautrain (Yam); 2. William Herri ng (Yam); 3. Doug VIerS (Kaw) ; -4. Tom Materna (Yam); S. Rick Overi>y (Yam). S R 2 5 0 C: I. Dan Barnett (y;un) ; 2. Donald Knigh. (KTM); J . Don Meza (KTN); -4. Je ffrey He ine (Han); 5 . J;unes Unde

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