Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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leiters 10 the editor should be sent 10 Voices, Cycle News, PO Box 5084, Costo Meso, CA 92628-5084; foxed to 714-751-6685 Of emoiled 10 Published letters do nol necessarily reRect the position of Cycle News, Inc. leners should not exceed 200 words, and all ore subject 10 editing. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. AJlletters should contain the writer's nome, address and daytime phone number... Editor. Now We Suck I'm not sure what surprises and irritates me more: that OLN can put off the Outdoor Motocross Championships so long that the races are old enough that many people don't even care about watching them anymore, or that Cycle News doesn't take our side when it comes to coverage that's a joke. I didn't pay through the nose to get OLN to watch 900,000 hours of dorks dressed in sissy get-ups on anemic, wimpy-looking, glorified 10-speeds riding around in France. Cycle News seems to be implying that those of us who believe our extremely exciting and dangerous sport deserves at the very least equal respect and coverage as other so-called sports (games) are just a bunch of complainers. I don't notice anyone complaining about MotoGP coverage. It seems the common denominator of all the races that are being complained about is the AMA. Big surprise there, huh? Cycle News says our sport hasn't reached a level that we can get the coverage we want yet. Iguess fishing and driving restricted clone cars in a circle for hours, and the never-ending playing with balls, and even dorks in sissy-looking outfits on glorified 10speeds have. But, hey, I'm sure we'll get there with either the hip-hop announcers or coverage three weeks after the fact and on different days. We just need to quit complaining, right? Lewis Greer Springfield, MO What I stated as a response to a previous letter complaining about OLN's motocross coverage was the fact that motorcycle racing still doesn't have enough pull to get the coverage we all think it deserves. I also reminded everyone that when ESPN aired the motocross series, a lot of readers complained about the announcers and wanted the series to air on another channel. Now that it has moved to OLN, the complaint is that the races in July haven't aired yet because of the network's extensive coverage of the Tour de France. The bottom line is this: If motocross had the pull of the Tour de France (or at least what OLN believes is pull), the telecast of the "anemic, Wimpy-looking, glorified 10speeds" would be delayed and motocross would be shown live. As for the "never-ending playing with balls," last night alone (a weeknight, Thursday, July 28) 406,989 people attended the 13 major league baseball games that were played across the country That's an average of 31,306 per game. That. my friend, is some serious pull. The bottom line is this: What we believe is the greatest sport in the world remains relatively unknown in the grand scheme of things and. apparently, to those who work at television networks. I believe that is changing. but it takes time. And patience. If I had my way. I would be able to watch some sort of motor- ..We just need to quit complaining, right?" CgcleNews Volume XLII Sh,lto" CI.lytOI1 - PreSIde-In Midl.lcl Klilll:er - Publlsfter EDITORIAL P.UlI C.lrnul1C'f'i Editor Kit P.lIIllC'r - Off-Rood Editor Scott ROIJ'i5C'.lU cycle racing on television every night, but right now, thot's not a reality Right or wrang, those are facts... Editor No Laguna Fan I would like to personally thank you for publishing the story "Full Circle" [Issue 27] about the Hodaka Days' reunion this year in Athena, Oregon. Having the coverage published in Cycle News has given this great event the validity that it deserves. I applaud Cycle News for having Clay light come all the way to little Athena to see what makes the current Hodakas tick. We pride our event on being totally family-oriented and focused on the "fun" of the brand. Hodaka was never the fastest bike or the flashiest in its day, but most riders got their starts on one back in the I960s and '70s. If you did not have one for sure you wanted to have one. Jay Leno once told me that he also wanted one as a kid but couldn't afford it. We are already planning next year's event, and if it does happen it will be on June 23-25 - in Athena again. Where else in the country can you have a Vintage observed trials and TT scrambles only two blocks from the town hall? Clay light's coverage was thorough and showed what the entire three-day event is all about. After speaking with Harry Taylor from Hodaka, we both feel that this has been the most honest coverage that Hodaka Days has ever received. We hope that Cycle News and Clay light will make it back again next year to Hodaka Days, where "these still are the good old days." I read your interview with Gill Campbell and wanted to weep - such an important event and it's being handled by an inadequately experienced person. She said they were a "victim of a first-time deal." This isn't their first race. I think this is a cop-out. It's simple math. They sold so many tickets over last year, so you take that percentage increase and apply it to every area of the track and access roads. What were they doing all year other than meeting the FIM and Dorna's track requirements? We found no substantive changes made to the accommodations for the spectators. Besides the long lin'es to access stores, food, bathrooms and bridges, we found the health conditions unsanitary, insufficient trash receptacles, poorly maintained bathrooms, no hand soap (remember -food handlers are using the same facilities and then they are handling your meals) and insufficient pedestrian access throughout the track. Campbell said they realized there was a traffic problem on Saturday. Where was she on Friday when we were lined up on South Boundary Road at the end of the day? The problem was realized then, and a solution should have been implemented and tested on Friday before safety was further compromised on Saturday and Sunday. You asked her when she will know what she can and can't do in preparation for the next MotoGP event. Her response exposes her lack of ability and experience to handle the matter. SCRAMP can now afford to hire profeSSionals to solve these problems: ( I) A landscape architect has the expertise to plan pathways to move volumes of people safely and efficiently. They understand how to control dust in high winds, making the backside of the corkscrew more pleasant and safer to sit and watch the race. (2) A ~raffic engineer has the expertise to identify the best routes for safe ingress and egress for cars, motorcycles and RVs. They can design a system to manage the flow of the entire system, including ticketing, shuttle parking, shuttle movement, auto parking, parking areas, motorcycle separation and bike parking. They can also design the maps and instructions to be used and sent in the mail to the spectators (and for the website). (3) A grounds engineer can identify the deficiencies in the plumbing system and can design/build additional facilities. How hard is it to put in soap dispensers and to keep two people posted at each bathroom to keep the place clean? In short, this is a world-class event seemingly being run by amateurs. This was the first year of MotoGP's return to the U.S., and we should have had our best dress on - and we did not. Shame on SCRAMP management. Paul Stannard via the Internet Jane Williamson Albany, CA Hurray for MX des Nations Congratulations to all involved in putting together USA:s effort in Motocross des Nations'this year. Leading up to this announcement, I was quite the cynic and thought this year was going to be a repeat off all talk and no action. Best of luck to our trio of very talented riders and to The Man, Roger DeCoster. It has taken awhile to hit home, but after finally taking the time to look at the actual broadcast dates, the change in National MX television coverage sucks beyond description. In the midst of things on the upswing and having the sport hitting on all cylinders, the transfer to OLN is a major step backwards. I am a major David Bailey fan, but I would settle for Todd and Cameron again if it would allow us to see the races the following week. Closing on a high note, the trailer for Supercross: The Movie looks excellent. Michael Rigdon via the Internet Hodaka Man Manoging Editor Bbkc Conner - Associate Editor Br('nd.lfI lU1{'s Off-Rood AUllCOII! Edilor HC'nny R.,y Abr,lI1lS - Contributing Editor AI.1n C.uhc.ut European Editor D.wid R. HoJdu.', - Regional En'nts Editor Kimbl'rly P('Un1.ln - Copy Editor ADVERTISING· WESTERN STATES I! 1417"1 7-1ll Tcrry Pr,Ut - Natioflol ACCOllllts Manager Mark Thoml'. Forn.'Sf Hayashi. O.ln lcgefc Western Sales MonogNS Rhond.l Cr.,wford - Advert/smg Coordinotor Ashll"igh KIl'ill Asmlanr ADVERTISING· EASTERN STATES 1770) ll~ 0304 Col ria Allen - Office Manogl'r 8. Advertising Coordmator Shl'ri Russell, Sunil" Smith Eastern Soles Mc:mogers MARI(ETING • PROMOTION Mark Thome Director Forn'S( H.lyashi - Manager NEW MEDIA DEVELOPMENT Kory KlingC'r Srte Manager CLASSIFIED ADS JUhleigh Klein GRAPHICS· PRODUCTION Kathleen Lawlor - Produceion Manager Sunju Kwon, Robert Marcin, Chri<.tina Pendon - Graphic Artists ADMINISTRATION Judy Klinger - Coordinator P,lm Klein - Administrative AurS(ant ACCOUNTING' DATA PROCESSING Donna Blyan-Diarnond - AR Coordinator Gl'neva Rep,lss - Assiscant Sucy Ryan - Credit Manager CIRCULATION Alma Angui"no - Circulation Manager Carol Maggio - Processing Coordinator Megan Carmona - Dealer Coordinaeor SERVICE· SUPPORT Bridgett Bobrofslty - Receptionise Robert Escandon - Service and Support NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 3S0S-M c.,ditl,]c Ave., Cosea Mesa. CA 92626 PO. BOil 5084. Costa Mesa. CA 92628·S084 (714) 751-7433 • FAX (714) 751-668S EASTERN OFFICE 2775 Cruse Road. Suite 2603 lawrenceville, GA 30044 (770) 279·0304 • FAX (770) 279-0360 E-MAIL· INTERNET editorZ! advcrtising( L\rl~ N,'w< \1I~f'$ 1~1-J.J()II' puI~I<~Nl \\f~~11 ("cept th~ 1.1,1 tI\'<1 Gl tht' ', j'<"ll ler S:>6 lli) ~'~r \'t'Jr tl'y t:Yll~ N~,~~_ II"lC rOSu M~s"1. fA !l.'titf; P~,~'ti"-",, PnsUge P.\Id ,II C(!Sta ~lf>J., l:A ,l;'d Jt .lcl.Ml{)!l,jl r1lJ'lln~ .,tt" f' C:~"h1,1 P,',l 1'1!o'''lJl'l'flal P"t>,lns Mall .~~1; II'''''~'; ,r~,.lS-M C.l~IIIJ': A,~n~l', r\l~IMASlfR [(' l~ C~ __ I,' If~\\". PU Bo. J(JS.\ 10 detelm''',. t~" ~'i'''d1>nr] d~le 01 \,,'UI qltls,:,,~t"lr' ,h['c-~ p,,. \(Ilu II,JPnl/t't, 1]11 Ihe flrs1 i"k of \;11" :IM'i'''~ I.l~, I 'h~ T,I"II.... ,.1 dig,!> IrKlll"-11? Ihr "S,,,, n:'~'h"r \(>1111 '<,cel'~ 1] ,~SU~rdll,I!lon ,nloi'el, Ad~e'l,s"lg rati', MIJ \\,! [},> ,,.nt L~~'" '~'1'.Jt'~1 See S R [1 S "'SPA """,,, ... " ... (IIH t I \11\1' I'rinh.·d in U.S.A. COIlYlIght co Cyclt~ Nt!w~.lnr 20115 Tladernark Cy.l(' N('w~ fegl~lell~d us P,lll'lll 6 AUGUST 10, 2005 • CYCLE NEWS QI/ict' All ligh\$ H'Sl!lVeiJ

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