Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VET C: I . Rllymond DilIz (CCMlRtx ). VlNT SOL I. Johnny Larson (Yom); 2. DonnHo, Darrah (Yom ): 3. Carter fisher (60 1). WiT 250 B: I . John FrtlOk (Bul). VlNT 250 C: I. Chris Cenepe (Yam); 2. Randy Krem ill cek . 250 AjB: 1. Hurshell Myers (Yom) ; 2. Jimmy Abrams (Han): 3. Kenny Corlotta (Han) . 250 1. Chris Cenepe (Yom); 2. Kurt Bickel (Yam) ; 3. Michael Day( Yam ). . OfT 40 .. A: I. M.crll BIscardi (Yam); 2. Roger Homllton (Yam ); 3. Der1nisComeron . 40... C: 1. Mlchllel Crump (Yam ); 2. James (jo le lU (Bul) SR SO... I . Bud Rlddl~ (Yern): 2. Joe Trethewey (Bul ). ; OPEN A 1. Mark Corsetti (Rtll): 2. Tony Rose (CCM/Rtx): 3. Jeremy HlInnllh (Hon). OPEN B: I . Frank o Hannah (Hon); 2. J Imm y Abrams ; 3. Bert vctc-Bemeiee (Rtx). OPEN C: I. MlchlSel Dey (Yam ); 2. Ray Dill z (CCM/Rtx) ; 3. See. mu s Hodg in (Rtx). PRO: I . Nicholas Moor e (Rtx); 2. Je remy Hanna h (Hon ); 3. Jimmy Sanchez (Hbg). c: Orr Cheyenne Cycle C lub 125 NOV: I. Moe Mullenlloll (Kaw); 2. Demel Stertes (Yam): 3 . Bri on Mulholl lUld (Y!Ift1): 4. Jord!ln Putik (Suz): 5. Bm Stole, (Ko'll). 250 NOV : 1. J im McCue (Kalil) ; 2. Doug Samuelson (Yom); 3 . Tyl er Wild (Kll w); 4 . Bred Bobst (Yom): 5. Kelly Braun (Yom) . OPEN NOV: 1. Doug Samuelson ( Yom ); 2. K ~lIy Breun (Yam); 3. Keith Blake (Yam) ; 4. Chris Bloke (Yom ); 5. Cody Betheuer (Yom) . VET NO V; I. Sco t Lansford ( Han) : 2. T ed All ll rd ( Ka'll) : 3. Robert Pickre l (Yom) ; 4 . Jon Griger (Yam ); 5. Ast erio Nieovn (Kaw). VET INT: I. JI!ITY ~rIIau (Hon ); 2. Don Moen (Yam ); 3. Tony Kwak (Yam); 4. K~vin $onder (Hon) ; 5. Ke-vinCl!'iger (Yom ). VET PRO: I. Jil Ted Certson (Yam ); 2. Wayn~ aemen (Yllm): 3. Jo hn M~rwin (Hen): 4 , Jim Eckert (Han ): 5. Terry McFarland (Kow). SR NOV: I. Robert Wilson (Kaw); 2. Sco tt Greenwood (Yam); 3. Korl Oelger ( Yll m ); 4 . J~lf SAondeck (Yam); 5. Mik~ Starck (Hon). SR INT: 1. Edgar Perril on (Hon) ; 2. Marty Wild (Kaw ); 3. Rhon MlIrt1n (Han); 4 . Gene Luca s (Hon) ; 5. Derek Woodman (Yllm ). SR PRO : I. J im Eckert (Hon); 2. Pete Bannister (Yam): 3. Steve Shave r ( Yllm) ; 4 . Croig Buck (Yom) . S/S R: 1. Edgar Penton (Han); 2. Rick Oppe rmon (Hon); 3. Oene Lucas (Hon) ; 4. Bill Osthoff (YlIm ); 5. Richard SupnJn (Yom ). WMN NOV: I . Pollie Kerst~ (Han) ; 2. Nicole Hllwo rth (Hon): 3. Down Owenby (Kaw); 4. Marsho Edgor (Kalil) ; 5. P.J. Heilman (KTM). WMN INT: 1. Lindsey Jeluttc (Kew): 2. Rose Brom~rg (Hon). WMN A: I. Am y Ragen (Yll ml . Hey, Mo e! B y D OUG S AMUELSON Co m pet ition Park: Brad Spencer (7M) lost the '70s Singles contest to Joe Steff en (6J ) but wo n the Vet Over 35 and 600cc Spo rts man classes at the AHRMA event in San Jacinto, Califo rn ia. YTlt 50 SUP 1. LogllllJohnson (I..em);2. Andre Ochs (Vern): 3. : JOf!Y St. Loui s (IIH; 4 . Ston~y Ross (Suz). YTHOPEN SUP; I. A ndy Wood (Hon) ; 2. Dev in Booher (Hon): 3 . K~yin Knud,~n (Hon ) ; 4 . Amanda Bryant (Ya m): 5. Emil y Bryan t (Su» . OPEN PRo: 1. Moreo Mord lo (RbI; 2. Donnie Harrell (Rtx); 3. Stev e Fortune (Rtx); 4 . Richerd Polloc k (Hon); 5 . Robert Nolin (Yam ). C lub Moto Moore Magic in livermore Re sults B y KAREN GOOLD UVERMO RE, CA , JUNE 2 Distr ict 36 h eld a sho rt- trac k eve nt at Club Mo ta in Livermore, Califo m ia. Thankfully the temper at ures had co oled off fr om t he 10 7 degree weather of Wednesday and Thursday . Littl e Do minic Monterosso , on his st ock 50cc Yam aha , wow ed the cro wd, coming fro m beh ind a nd winding his way aro und the track to fi nish with an easy vic tory over his com petitio n. Mont erosso showe d great tenacit y as he cro uched down over his handl ebars to hel p hi s bi k e tak e him j ust a li ttl e bit fa ster ov er the li ne. D .J . Darr ah finished seco nd , followed by fellow Yama ha ride r Sean O 'Conner, In the 50 cc A /B co ntest, Micha el Martin was first ac ross the li ne, fo llo wed by Yamaha pilot Jam es Willi am s J r.• wh o finished first in the B class. In the 50cc Mod ified contest, B rid er Bran don Bernard eau , rode his Cobr a into the lead and held off Was p rid er Mich ael Mart in , the only A race r, who took fir st in the West Coa st Amateu r Nati onals last weekend. Th e 60 cc A and 80cc A classes were won by the F an g brothers - Anth o ny , aboard a KTM, and Bobb y , on his Hon da. Th e XR IOO Youth class wa s an easy vict ory for Sam Cla rk , the only B rider. He was fol low ed fairl y closely by Hond a-mou nt ed C D. How ell , wh o was the fir st C rid er acros s the lin e. Th e Crump sist ers, Ka yl yn a nd Ch ivon , bo th on Yam ahas, fin ished first and secon d in th e Pee Wee 80cc cl ass. Th is cl ass also welcomed broth ers Jason and Cod y O choa - the sons of J essie O ch oa. th e owne r/ope rato r of the Club Mota short track - to th~ racetrack for the ir fir st try at racing . In th e Open A class, Mar k Co rsetti rod e a borr owed Rota x and d iced thro ug ho ut th e firs t few turns with Nick y Mo ore, also on a Rotax, an d T ony Rose, on a CCM Rotax . A t th e end of th e race, the order was Corse tti , Rose and Ho nd a rid e r J erem y Han nah , w h o h a d sneaked by Mo ore. Joh nn y La rson , rid ing his Barry Ol son ' s Fl at Track Fabrica tions-ba ck ed Yam aha , took ho m e th e fi rs t -pla ce troph ies in the Vintage Singles and Vet B cl asses . Frank o Ha nnah , aboard his Hon da, took home th e top brass in the Open B clas s. Th e fin al rac e of the evening - the Pro Am - proved to be th e clo sest and m ost exciting . Hond a rid er J erem y Ha nnah and J i mm y 82 J ULY 1 1 .200 1 • Sanc hez, riding a Husaberg sponso red by Bud Ridd le/Ri dd le Raci ng , to ok tum s at the front of th e pa ck. Mall ott 's Honda -Yamaha /Wiseco/ Moth er's Poli shes/Unio n 76 / Edge Sports Racing-sponsored Moo re ke pt tryi ng to make a m o ve arou nd them , but unt il th e las t lap he remained in th ird pla ce. J ust when it seem ed tha t the race wa s prett y m uc h over, wi th Je rem y in fron t. Moo re p ull ed a rab bit ou t of his hat on th e third corner on th e la st l ap a nd sq ueaked under Hannah and San chez to take fir st place ac ross th e lin e. cue e P/W STK50 A: l . Micho~1 Mortln . PfW STK 50 B: 1. .Jemes Will iom s Jr. (Yem) : 2. Joseph Fang ( Yam). PfW STK 50 C: 1. Dom inic Mont~rosso (Yam): 2. O.J. Darrll h (Yllm ); 3. See n O'ConflOf (Yam ). PfW MOD A: 1. Michael M.crtin . PfW MOD B: I. Brllndon Bernardeeu (Cob) . P/W MOD C: 1, Jesse Tete (Cob ). 60 A: I. Anthony Fong Jr. (KTM ): 2 . Chad Ccee (Kll w); 3. Kyle Anse lmi (Hon) . 60 B: I . DenielleCaldeira. 60 C: L T ony Davila (Kaw ). 80 A: I. Bobby Fang (Hon): 2. .j cse ph Hernandez (Yam ): 3. Chris Borjos ( Hon). P/W 80 C: I . Kaylyn Crump (Yam ); 2. Chivon Crum p ( Yllm ): 3. Steven Sikorski . XRIOOYTH MOD S/STK B: I . SamCIaril. (Hon ). XR I OOYTH MOD S/STK C: 1. C.D. Howell (Hon); 2. Adorn Pof· fenborg~r (Hon); 3. Dong Raou~ (Hon). XR I OOSPT B: 1. Micho~1 Sneddffi (Hon). XR I OO SPT C: 1. Eri c B lck ~1 (Hon); 2. Kirt Bickel ( Han ): 3. RlUldy Kremklcek (Hon) . XRlOO MOD SPT B: 1. Kenn y Carlona (Hon); 2. Jimmy Abrams (Hon); 3. Midlael Sneddom Jr. (Hon) . XRIOO MO D SPT C : I. Sam Cla rk (Ha n) ; 2. Antoni o Nunez (Hon): 3. Mike Besemer (Hon). TTRl25: 1. Sco tt Magenn ( Yom). VETA: 1. Paul Sanborn (Rtx) . VET B: I . Joh nny Lo~ (Yom); 2. Robert Morris (Yam); 3. Hw shell Myers (Hon). ' Compe tit io n Park Rowell Growls to the Win - Again CHEY ENNE, WY. MAY 20 Roun d nine of th e SRA C Mo tocross Series wa s held on th e new ly renovated Cheye nne Cycl e Club track, and Moe Mu llenax dominated the 125cc Novice cla ss. In m ot o o ne , D onn y Wa tt t o ok th e holeshot, wit h Mu llenax in second and Dan iel Ste rtes in thi rd. By the end of la p on e, Mu llenax was sho w ing Watt a wheel in every corner. After a brilliant ins ide move, Mu lle n ax too k over the lead . Just as he starte d to pull away from Watt, they entered the who op sec tion and Watt m ade th e lost time up . A s th ey headed for the back section of th e track. Watt powered aro und Mullenax . Mea nwhile, Stert es wa s ridin g by himsel f in thi rd , while Brian Mul · holland had ma de his wa y through the pac k into fo urt h . Every tim e th ro ugh the whoo p section. Watt would gain ground on M ulle nax , only to have Mullenax ga in it all back throug h th e rest of the lap. So m eth ing had to give; that some thing turned out to be Watt 's b ike, whic h gave th e lead back to Mullenax. At the checkered flag, Mu lle na x took th e moto win. with St ertes in second an d Mu lh olland in third . After th e race, Watt ap peared to be very dis gruntled because hi s bike had seized. After a fou rth-place start in m ot a two , Mul · lenax qui ck ly passed his way up into fi rst in just th ree co me rs. He was foll ow ed by a pack of rid ers that incl uded Stertes and Mulholla nd . Ste rte s m ad e h i s wa y into sec o nd b y lap three, but he ha d hi s work cut o ut for hi m if he wa s going to catch Mull enax . With one lap left , Stert es pu t on a charge to catc h Mull enax , but by m ot o ' s end it was not enough , and M ullenax took the m ota win by six seco nds, with Stert es in seco nd and Mu lholl and in th i rd. Results 60 NOV: 1. Austin Rogers (KolII); 2. Todd 8II nni 51er (Kow) ; 3. Joey Kwak (Kow); 4. Klint Earle (Kow ); 5. Oreg Mullenllll (Kdw). 60 INT : 1. Aa ron McC li n tock (KTM ); 2. Ricky LaMo nl ogn~ (KTM); 3. Justin Decker (Kalil); 4. Cclter DlITlick (KTM): 5. Mati NiceIy (KTM). 80 BEO: 1. Eric Boos (Suz); 2. Mike Leedom ( Yam); 3. Devin Brossfi~ld (Kow): 4. Doug Morgan (Yam ): 5. Stephen Moen (Kow). 80 NOV: 1. Dolt on Dimick (Yllm); 2. Mich llel Ingl ~ (Hon ); 3. Charl y Rupprech t (Kalil ): 4. Michael Moen (Yom ): 5. Ricky LoMon· tllgl1~(Yom) . By J OHN BETHEA SAN J AC INTO, CA , J UNE I A head -to-h ead m atch race between t wo- time series cham pi o n T ommy Ma dden and current series leader Br ittney Row ell in the 60cc (911) class was th e unexpec ted fin al e of th e - next-to -Ia st round of th e AC Racin g Frida y Ni ght M otocross Seri es at Competition Park. Th e unu sual fourth m oto betwe en the two wa s called fo r aft er eac h had won an individual moto in th e fir st tw o ro unds. only to have th eir third enc ounter era sed from the results wh en Madden prote st ed w hat was to have been their final face-off wh en hi s pr estart sig nal to th e sta rter indicating proble m s on the lin e was not spotted. Even though Ma dden led the firs t th ree lap s in a slugfest, Rowell 's ultim ate m ot a triumph tossed Madd en the opport unity to cla im fo u l at the e nd, w hic h was ac knowledged by race official s, ca ll ing fo r a com plete restart. The hig hly anti cipated event, p itti ng Mad den , o n hi s Cy c l e Pa rt s W est K a wa sak i, ag ain st Row ell , on her VGI Graphics KTM, on th e trac k wi th out any othe r riders was quick ly settl ed wh en Rowell too k co mm and early and rode a determined race to rep eat t he que sti oned victory, solidify ing her series lead. An other hotiy contested showdown pitting two very fast Juniors against eac h oth er was ex pec te d in th e t h i rd 12 5 c c Jun i or rac e between Yama ha -m ounted A.J. Stei nba ch and T em ecul a M otorsports Hon d a -r id ing Bruce Mar ada , each with a win co mi ng into the last m oto . How ev er , th at battle als o ev apo rated aft er three la ps, wh en Marada , who had trailed by less th an a t ic k on th e cl o c k , c ame up lam e and faded . Simultane ously run on th e tra ck with the Junio rs wer e the 125cc Beginner, J ey Sapp con ti nued to totall y dominate the cl ass on his Montclair Yama ha, aga in sweep ing th e largest cla ss of th e night. The o nly tim e all nig ht he failed to lead a lap was on th e fi rst lap of the second m oto, when Michae l Kittell mornentar ily l ed Sap p . Ca sey Curri e , o n th e C urr ie Enterp rises Yamaha, had to battle every in ch of all thr ee races to even tua ll y take th e runner -u p spot with a 2 -3 -2 tall y. Jack Kershersky m ight have changed m at ters ha d he not had a bad sta r t in t he first mota , wh en he co uld only co m e back to ta k e fourth. He traded seco nd and th ird with Currie in th e latt er two m otos. Thrott le Junkie 's Br ent Boh anon put in a nice co me-fro m- behi nd ride on his Suzuki in the first 8 0cc (7 -11) m ot a , stu nning series le ade r Matt Va nderwater w ith th e pass less than two laps fr om the end . Th e Yam aha- riding Vand erwater wa s not cau ght unawares in the next two out ings . winnin g eac h to em erge wi th th e overall . Rya n A dam ik seeme d to be on hi s way to vic to ries in each of the fi rst two 80cc Beginner rnotos, only to be forced out of co ntentio n due to errors . Du st in Roberts , w ho se fathe r spon sors his Kaw asaki , cam e from behi nd in those first two rounds and led all th e way in the thi rd m ota for the ove rall sweep . Results Cl ub Mota: Dom in ic Monterosso (103) leans over his handlebars to keep his momentum going as he crosses over the li ne firs t in th e 50cc Stock C class in Li vermore, Californ ia. neuvs 50 (7 -8 ): I. Broo ke BohIInon (Cob) ; 2. Austin Adllmik (KTM). 60 (O-8 ): 1. Tll ylor It.dIIomik (Kll w). 60 (9- 1 1): 1. Brittney Rowell (KTM) ; 2. Tom my Maddffi (Kaw). 60 BEG: 1. Brylln Roberts (Kow), 80 BEO: 1. Dustin Roberta (Kaw ); 2. OO fT~tt Klngll n (Hon); 3, Christo pher Valozez IY!Ift1). 80 (7-1 1): 1. M.ctt Vanderwoter (YMTl); 2. Bll!'Tlt Bohanon (Suz) ; 3. J llke Mt!'l'Id'! holl (Suz). n 80 (12 ·13): 1. ErIc StImpson (Kow).

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