Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. 0 Q> - if Q. ;:: '" ~ It; ;j SUZUKI SWEEPS MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIPS World 250(( Challpion World 500(( Challpion 0 u Roger DeCoster Joel Robert Joel Robert. at 27. has won more world motocross titles than.anyone else; in 1970 and again this year he won the coveted crown riding 2 works Suzuki. Joel also holds the world's record for Grand Prix wins at 42. and the number is still growing. This year he won the title with a mind-boggling seven overall wins. giYing the Belgisli a~ season. Suzuki only sponsored one machine in their first year in the 500 World Motocross Championships. just to "get their feet wet." Belgian Roger DeCoster. whose style is perhaps the most imitated in the world. beat the odds by winning the 500 World Motocross Championship. It was at the Dutch Grand Prix. the last of the 12 Championship races. that Roger came from behind in the point standings to eke a narrow victory for Suzuki from the toughest competitors in the world. giVing Suzuki ~eir third world motocross title in two years. WINNER OF lsi U.S. GRAND PRIX MOTOCROSS Sylvain Geboers Sylvain Geboers became a crowd favorite at the First International United States Grand Prix at Carlsbad. California. with his smooth. effortless riding. Geboers took second behind countryman Joel Robert in the search for the 250 world crown in 1970 and is expected to do it again this year, all on Suzuki. A rival firm has offered Sylvain a lot of money to change brands but he has refused. saying. "I know that Suzuki is a good bike." SUZUKI SUZUKI

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